The Collections Income Report reflects ALL money in and out of the office.
This report is ran by Assigned or Designated Provider and Action or Date of Service Date under Admin>Global Settings.
Definition of Assigned Provider: Assigned Provider: An assigned provider is the provider for which you would like to link the patient to for financial reporting, regardless of who actually sees the patient. This will also give you the option to only show those patients who are assigned to a specific provider in the Rolodex. For example, I can set Dr. A’s privileges so that he is only able to see the patients in which he/she is listed as the Assigned provider.
The Assigned provider is chosen in the patient's file > Patient tab, and the assigned provider chosen will count for all cases in their account (there is not a way to choose a different assigned provider for each case, for that you would want to select a designated provider in their Case tab)
Definition of Designated Provider: Designated Provider: Using the designated provider area within the patients' case tab will allow you to have a provider linked to a specific case. Meaning that anything done on that particular case is counted towards that provider's financials.
For example, you can have Dr. A as the Assigned Provider within their actual patient file but, there might be two cases created. One for chiropractic and one for massage. The case for chiropractic can have the designated provider be the same as the assigned provider or someone different. In the massage case, the designated provider can be a massage therapist if this is their patient or left to none if more than one massage therapist will be seeing the patient for massage appointments.
No provider should be designated to a case if financials are spread. If no designated provider is selected in a case, you must run reports by the treating provider, so the correct provider receives credit for their own charges/payments.
If you select the Day Sheet and Collections Income report to be run based on the Designated provider, then you MUST select a designated provider for each patient’s case to see it categorized by the right provider. If a case does not have a designated provider listed, you will see those calculations fall under an Unassigned category.
What are the different Provider types within your Software?
- Action- Reflects Posted Date selected when entering payment. (can be backdated)
- Date of Service- Action When payment was entered in your software.
For example:
If you receive EOB payments late on Friday and do not want to enter the payments in until Monday Morning. You would select Friday when posting the EOB as that is when you received the payment. The Action date would be Friday’s date but, the date of service date would be Monday’s date.
Any patient not Assigned or Designated to a provider (Depending on the option you choose) will fall under the Unassigned category of the report.
Matching certain reports
For the Collections Income Report to match the Day Sheet Report, both reports must be set to the same provider in Admin> Global settings. Assigned or Designated and Action must be selected for the Collections Income Report.
To Run the Report
Under Reports
Collections Income
Select Filters:
Providers: Leave defaulted to All or select specific Provider
Date Range: Select Range of days, Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year
Select Full Details or Summary Report.
Sample Full Details Report:
Full Details will allow you to see filters selected, Patient’s name, Case description, Posting Date, Action (type of payment or refund), Details (Cash, Check or Credit Card, Check numbers, CC type etc.), Action Date and Amount of Payment/Refund.
All Patients will be categorized under correct provider. If you see an Unassigned Provider Category with patient’s underneath, that means those patients are not Assigned or Designated to a provider.
Under Every provider, you will see Grand Totals for Patient Payments, Payer Payments, Total Payments, Payments Removed (refunded, Deleted etc.), Insurance Recoupments (Recoupments or insurance refunds), Negative income total and Adjusted collections grand total
(Total Payments- Negative income total= Adjusted collections grand total)
To go to the next page of the report, click the green down arrow button
Sample Summary Report
The Summary report will also show the filters selected. You will see Patient payments, Insurance Payments, Removed/Deleted payments, Recoupments/Refunds for insurance payments and totals for each area and the Adjusted Income totals for all providers selected in the filters.
Total Payments - Negative Income Totals = Adjusted Income Total
Within the Removed/Deleted payments column, there can be a number of reasons why money is showing removed such as:
- A Patient Payment was initially applied to a charge, a write-off was then applied to remove some or all of the responsibility which took part or all of the patient's payment away.
- If money came into an account and was applied to charges but, then an outgoing credit transfer was initiated so money was pulled from a charge to send it to another case
- Money was applied and then removed due to a change in responsibility to the charge (Patient to insurance)
- Deleted payments
- Patient Refunds
The recoupments (Insurance) Column shows the total of all insurance recoupments and Insurance refunds within a date range.
Basically, any reason why money would be applied to a charge and removed for any reason is tracked.
To Download/Print a Report
All reports will display a tool bar at the top of the page when generated.
You will be able to Print and Export the document. You will see the Red Circle is highlighting the Print button and the Red Arrow is pointing to the Export options. X=Excel, A=Adobe and W=Word.
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side), click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.
***This has the fastest response time***
Phone/Text: 909-378-9514
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm CST
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