Practice Diagnosis
Practice Diagnosis displays Vital Statistics for Running and Managing your Practice.
The Practice Diagnosis report is ONLY available to Alignlife Clinics - due to their unique patient status flow.
Here is a quick look at what you will be looking at:
Practice Diagnosis works with other areas of CoAction(Alignlife ONLY) to provide the most accurate and reliable data possible.
Areas of CoAction where data is generated from:
- Assigned Provider- The Provider Assigned in the patients file, Patient info tab. This provider is linked to the patient for financial reporting, regardless of who sees the patient.
- Designated Provider – The provider linked to a Specific Patients’ case, under their case tab. Anything performed, sold and received on this case only is linked to this Provider.
- Treating Provider- The provider that saw the patient during a Patient appointment.
The Admin Section of CoAction:
- Referral Source- This area allows you to create specific reasons why patients would be referred to the clinic. You will also tell the system if the source is an External or Internal Source.
- CPT Groups- CPT Groups are categorized so, the Services Breakdown portion of Practice Diagnosis can produce stats for each category.
- Global Settings- Houses New Patient (Adjustment Codes) and Lead codes (Exam Codes) so, a patient can move from status to status appropriately.
Patients File:
- Case Type- The case type is selected in the Patients file, Case Tab, Case Type Dropdown.
Practice Diagnosis Key:
When you see the * symbol next to any statistic, this means that specific area is a rolling 12-month statistic and is unaffected by the date range entered.
These areas are broken down to Current and Previous.
When you see this ^ symbol next to any statistic, this means it is a Real-Time stat. It is not affected by the date range selected and these stats do not offer a previous statistic.
Let’s Take a Closer Look
At the top of the report, you will notice a Calculate Button, Date Range, Providers selected and a print button.
Below you see a Key Explanation that I highlighted above.
CoAction will default to the current months date range and All Providers Selected.
If you would like to Print the report displayed, press the Print Button
If you would like to change the Date Range or Run by Specific Provider, Select the Calculate Button
Select Date Filter: Range of Days, Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
Select Provider: Run by All or Select a Specific Provider you would like to generate stats for, from the drop-down.
When Finished Select, OK.
The Stats are broken down into various categories.
We will go through a section at a time and explain what you are seeing in detail.
Ran by Assigned Provider
This area of Practice Diagnosis is designed to show you where the communication breakdown takes place during a patient’s flow and where efforts should be focused.
In Practice Diagnosis any newly added patient starts off as a Prospect, moves to a Lead and then becomes a New Patient.
- A Prospect- Any newly added person added to CoAction, that has not been in for an Exam.
- A Lead- A Patient that has come into the office for an Exam.
- A New Patient- A patient that has had 2 consecutive appointments where an adjustment code was entered. Classified as a patient that is actively seeking care.
For Example:
If you have a large Active Prospect Total and very small Lead Total, this means that patients are expressing interest in coming into the office but, not committing to be seen for an Exam.
If you have a Large Lead Total and small New Patient Total, Patients are coming in for their Exam but, not committing to care.
- Total Active Prospects: How many New People have been added to your CoAction software during the date range selected.
- Internal Leads: How many Leads that have an Internal Referral Source selected in their Patient File during the date range selected.
- External Leads: How many Leads that have an External Referral Source selected in their Patient File during the date range selected.
- Total Leads (Conversion %): Internal + External Leads = Total Leads within Date Range selected.
- Conversion percentage: Of the number of Prospects in a 12- month rolling statistic, how many converted to the Lead status.
- Internal % / External %: Break down percentage of Internal vs. External. Internal percentage is displayed on the Left and then External percentage on the Right.
- New Patients (Conversion %) How many patients that have accepted care (activated after 2 or more adjustments) in the date range.
- Conversion percentage: Of the number of Leads in a 12-month rolling statistic, how many converted to the New Patient status.
Allows you to see a full breakdown of each Referral Source added to prospect accounts and where they rank amongst the other referral sources used in the date range.
Appointment calculations can be checked against the Appointment Results and Scheduled Appointment Report
- Completed Appointments: Number of completed appointments in date range.
- Missed/Cancelled apts: Out of the number of scheduled patients, how many were Missed + Cancelled appointments in date range.
- Missed/Cancelled apts %: Percentage of Missed + Cancelled out of total scheduled.
- Compliance %: Compliance percentage is calculated by taking the number of Completed Appointments/Scheduled Appointments. To get the total number of Scheduled Appointments, you can go to Reports>Scheduled Appointment report and run for the same date range as Practice Diagnosis. Scheduled appointment total is displayed at the top of the report.
- Walk Ins %: Percentage of scheduled appointments were walk-ins. Walk-ins are indicated by selecting the Walk-In box when creating an appointment.
- Future Apts (30/60/90): Displays the number of appointment scheduled 30, 60 and 90 days out as of today’s date.
- Total Active Patients: Total number of patients’ actively receiving care as of todays date.
- Total Inactive Patients: Number of Patients that have not been in for 6 or more months as of todays date.
- Reactivated Patients: Number of patients that have not been seen in the office for over 6+ Months, came in and had an Adjustment code applied to a visit in the date range selected.
The Revenue area of Practice Diagnosis allows you to see a financial breakdown for Assigned and Designated Providers.
Total Services: Is the total amount of collectible services performed in the date range after write offs, fee adjustments etc. by Assigned Provider
Total Collections: Is the total Adjusted Income amount collected from Patient and Payer Payments in the office by Designated Provider.
For the Collections Report to match the Practice Diagnosis Total Collections area, the Collections Income Report must be set to Designated Provider and Date of Service Date must be selected in Admin> Global settings.
Date of Service- Action When payment was entered in CoAction.
Collections %: Displays your collections percentage based on a 12-month rolling statistic.
This area will breakdown collections received for the Designated Provider by Case Type.
It will also display the percentage that each case type has generated, so you are able to see what cases are generating the most income.
This area displays a 12-month rolling statistic on Patient Averages
- Patient Income Average: The Average relative income generated by a single patient (Total Income/Total New Patients) in a rolling 12-month statistic.
- PVA: The number of visits an average patient receives in your office (Total visits/Total New Patients) in a rolling 12-month statistic. Keep in mind, the Higher the number, the more of a wellness practice you have 😊
- Average Service per Visit: The average amount of services a patient will receive during a visit (Total Services/Total Visits) in a rolling 12-month statistic.
- Average Income per Visit: The average amount of income generated during a visit (Total Income/Total Visits) in a rolling 12-month statistic.
This area allows you to see how much money is owed on outstanding charges in the Clinic and is based on Total Case Balances (Patient and Payer).
The amounts are broken down so, you can see what has been outstanding for 0-30, 31-90 and over 90+ days.
If you would like to see what is outstanding for just Patients or Payers, you will need to go to Reports>AR Report for a full breakdown.
This area breaks down Services Rendered in the clinic by Treating Provider and Groups.
There are 4 main groups. Chiropractic, Rehab, Nutrition and Miscellaneous.
Each Grouping has several sub-categories that house specific CPT codes to generate data from.
To See what CPT codes are associated with each group, you will need to go to Admin > CPT Groups.
Columns displayed:
- Groups: Allows you to see the names of each grouping.
- Units: Displays a Current and Previous date range breakdown of units applied to patient accounts.
- Services Rendered: Displays a Current and Previous date range breakdown of the total dollar amount per group of services rendered.
- % of Total Services: Displays a Previous and Current date range breakdown. Displays the percentage of each group of services rendered. This allows you to see where your service breakdown is ranking among the others.
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