The Enhanced Day Sheet Report
The Day Sheet displays the office flow for the specific date range selected.
Charges added to a patient's account, Patient/Payer payments received, write-off totals, refunds, etc.
It can be run as a summary or detailed report. If Detailed is NOT selected to say YES, you will not see the CPT code and description applied to the patient’s appointment. You will just see a summary of what took place.
This report is run by
Treating, Assigned, or Designated Provider.
If you are unsure which provider to select, here is some helpful information:
The treating Provider is the doctor that actually saw the patient. The treating provider defaults to whomever that patient’s appointment is scheduled under, within the Appointment Book, or selected as the treating provider for the charges entered within the appointment.
Please keep in mind, if you have scheduled the patient for one doc and then changed the treating provider for the charges within that appointment, the charges will appear for both providers as the system cannot make the determination where the charge should fall. To avoid this, make sure your scheduled provider and treating provider for the charges is the same provider.
The Assigned provider is selected in the Patient file under the Patient Info tab.
An Assigned Provider is the provider to which you would like to link a patient to for financial reporting, regardless of who sees the patient.
The Designated Provider is selected in the Patient file under the case tab.
Using the Designated Provider will allow you to have a Provider linked to a specific case.
For example, A patient can have 2 cases. One Chiropractic case was Designated to a Chiropractor and one Massage case was Designated to the Massage Therapist.
To Learn More on Provider Types in CoAction, Click HERE.
**Please note, however, you choose to run the report (Treating, Assigned, or Designated) If a patient does not have that particular provider attached to the charges/payments they will fall under an Unassigned Category. To remove a patient from the unassigned area, the proper provider will need to be attached.**
The Most Common Charges that will appear as "Unassigned" are Care Plan Payments Due.
To have a Care Plan Payment Due show up under a particular Treating provider, you would need to go to the patient's file, ledger, and charges tab. Double-click the care plan payment due, go to the billing sub-tab, choose a treating provider, and save.
Here is an image for reference.
If you would like the payment due to display for an Assigned provider, you would follow the same steps but, enter the provider into the Billing Provider drop-down OR have an Assigned Provider selected in the Patient Info tab of their patient file.
The only way to assign a Designated provider would be to have one selected in the Case tab of their Patient File.
Posted Date:
This report is generated by the POSTING DATE. It can be altered if you go back in time to post a payment or add charges to a patient’s appointment.
For Example, you receive EOBs on a Friday but, it's late in the day. You post the payments on Monday but, select Friday as the posting date. This will change the totals on Friday's Day Sheet.
In-Process EOBs:
If you have an In Process EOB, the Payment amount will display on this Report. This acts as a tentative placeholder(expected payment) and will display here, within Patient Ledger>Charges>+ sign AND in Patient file>Ledger>Payments>EOB area.
Once it is fully completed, True data will be presented on the Day Sheet
Comparing Reports:
In most instances, the Day Sheet will match the Collections income report as long as you are generating both reports by the same provider type (Assigned/Designated) and "Action" is selected in Admin>Global Settings for the Collections Income report.
If the breakdowns you are seeing do not fully match there is a reason why. The collections income report records ALL USER ACTIONS with the money flow for the office. Deleted payments and Credit Transfers are recorded on the Collections Income totals but, are not recorded in the financial breakdown of the Day Sheet. If you take the Day Sheet Total Payment amount- Patient refund and Insurance Refund totals it should equal the Adjusted Income Total on the Collections Income report.
Generating the Day Sheet Report
There are two ways to access the Day Sheet Report
Option 1:
Go to Reports within the Toolbar
Select the Day Sheet
Option 2:
Go To the Appointments area within the Toolbar
Select Day Sheet
Here is an image of what you will see when first accessing the Day Sheet.
The Day sheet offers several filters to choose from to ensure you are seeing the proper data
Date Range: Pre-set options are Today, Yesterday, Current Week, Last Week, Last 7 days, Current Month, Last Month, Current Quarter, Previous Quarter, Current Year, and Last Year. If you do not want to use a pre-set option, simply select the start and stop dates from the calendars provided.
Note: for an individual day, make sure both calendars are selected for the same date.
Once your date/range is chosen, select Ok to lock in your filter.
Detailed: Will default to No. If you would like to see charge details you must change this filter to Yes. If yes is selected and you are questioning your "Total Unique Patients" count, please refer to "Total Unique Patients" below.
Provider type: Will default to Treating, if you would like to change to Assigned or Designated, it must be selected from the dropdown.
Providers: Allows you to run for a particular provider/s. When choosing a specific provider, the unassigned area is removed. If you are missing information, you MUST make sure that patient charges/payments are connected to the proper provider.
Clinic: Gives the ability to choose a specific clinic if you have more than one in your database.
Displayed Report
Once the proper filters have been selected, you will select Submit to see your report.
If you are running for a date range, each day in that range will appear. If no data was entered on that particular day, the info will be blank.
Detailed No Vs. Yes
When "detailed" is set to "No" all charges for one appointment will be lumped together. Showing you the Patient info, insurance info if attached, and a breakdown for the day. Individual charge descriptions will be left off to shorten the report.
If "detailed" is set to "Yes" you will see everything within the summary report along with each charge displayed for that particular date of service and CPT code descriptions
Within all reports
Payment Breakdown
Whichever way you decide to run your report, you will see a payment breakdown for all payments posted on that particular day
EOB Payments: If Posted as Check, you will see the Payer name displayed in the Payment Source Column. If Posted as Credit Card, Payment Source column will be blank. Reason for this is EOB's are normally posted with Multiple Patients on Multiple Cases so Blank Payment Source, Patient Name & Case = EOB Payment. You can check further details of these EOB's by going to Billing>Completed EOB>Search Amount
Daily Totals Breakdown
Every report generated will display a Daily Totals Breakdown area. This breakdown will show the bottom line of what took place that day.
First, you will see a breakdown that encompasses totals of ALL charges applied for the day, how those charges break down, and the total amount expected for the day.
- Total charges = ALL charges applied that day
- Patient Portion= What patient is to pay
- Care Plan Portion = What charges were applied that are applied to a Careplan
- Payer Portion = What a payer is expected to pay for
- Fee Adjustment = Any write offs applied coming from fee schedules attached to patients insurance snapshots
- Total Expected = What the system is projecting you will get paid for
Second, you will also see a breakdown of appointments, and how those appointments break down into their respective categories.
Two new areas have been added from the prior Day Sheet:
- "Total Unique Patients". "Total Unique patients" is a patient count for the day. If a patient was seen in the office for more than one appointment type IE: A Chiropractic appointment and a Massage appointment, these patients are identified and they are only counted once. Total Unique patient totals will either be the same or less than Completed appointment totals.
NOTE: Unique patient when choosing Filter: Detailed "No" is referring to patients seen. When you run the report for Filter: Detailed "Yes", The Unique patients may be less if there are patient appts that do not contain charges within their appt as detailed yes is a detailed explanation of charges. No Charge Present= Excluded from Unique patient total
- "Missed appointments" Missed appointments totals will not display unless the missed appointment has sat for a period of 24 hrs. This is to ensure the patient has time to reschedule their appointment.
Additionally, in our previous Day Sheet, appointments missing a charge were not counted as completed appointments. With the Day Sheet Revamp, appts missing a charge will now be counted.
Lastly, you will see a financial breakdown. Total payments received for the day, how much is the patient or payer portion, and a negative income area to highlight any write-offs performed along with refunds via patient or payer.
Range Reports
When generating the Day Sheet for a Date Range, you will see a Range total area on the very last page of the report. Range Totals will encompass everything displayed within the Daily Totals but, the amounts displayed will be a total calculation for the range of days chosen.
To Download/Print a Report
Your report comes equipped with a toolbar at the top. This toolbar comes with many functions.
Saving the report to your Computer:
- If you select "Save"
this button will save the report with a .prnx file type on your PC. This file can only be opened by going to Reports>Day Sheet>Select Open
at the top Left, Select the file, and hit Open.
- If you would like to choose what file type you would like associated with your saved report, you must select the drop-down arrow under Export and choose the correct file type for your report.
Printing your Report:
- Simply select Print
within the toolbar provided or access your saved report and print from your PC.
Additional Features to Mention:
- You can create a Watermark that will be applied to your report for a more professional view by selecting
- Email your report using Outlook by selecting the drop-down under Send,
choosing your specific file type, hitting ok, and moving directly to Outlook.
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on the left-hand side), and click the green 'Support' box in the bottom right of the screen.
***This has the fastest response time***
Text or Call: 909-378-9514
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-6:00 pm CST
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