Auto Payments Report
- If you have started using Auto Debits, you will need to check on this report, to ensure payments are posting as needed.
- This is a VIEW-ABLE REPORT ONLY. It cannot be printed or exported.
- The Auto Payments Button will ONLY be visible if an Integrated Merchant's settings have been entered into the software
- If you delete a Care Plan, it will also Delete any Auto Payments Setup for it
**Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Auto-Debits**
Patients utilizing HSA cards for Care Plan payments CANNOT be placed on Auto-debits.
The reason for this is because when an auto-debit for payment is sent, the system will request the full amount due. If the HSA account does not have the full amount available, it will send what is available.
When a patient wants to be on a care plan with monthly/weekly payments, the HSA account needs to be called to verify funds before the payment is submitted, so the correct amount can be entered when running the payment. Then the patient will either pay the rest of the amount due out of pocket or the remaining amount of the payment will sit as a balance due until more funds are provided to the HSA card.
Lets Get Started!
Under Billing
Auto Payments
This report will show you:
- The DOS(Date of Service)
- Amount of Auto Debit
- Patients Name
- Care plan Name
- Case
- Status
- Status Message
- Payment Method Auto Debits were created for
Status messages include: Paid, Denied and Never Attempted
Paid simply means the payment was Approved
Denials will provide a denial reason that you can take back to your merchant to find out the reason.
Never attempted is only displayed if the Patients Auto-Debit is outside the 7-day processing window OR if the patient has a Credit on their account.
Please NOTE:
- If a card is Declined, CoAction will attempt to run the auto payment for 7 Days. Please do not hit Re-Submit before this 7th Day.
- Auto-Debits WILL NOT auto-run if the Patient has a credit balance. If an Auto Debit is warranted, hit the Re-Submit button to push the payment through.
At the bottom right of the report you have several options to choose from:
View Patient, Edit Payment Method, Re-Submit and Close
For ALL Options besides Close, you will select the Patients Auto Debit Line item and pick an option.
- View Patient: Allows you to view the patient info
- Edit Payment Method: Allows you to change the Payment Method for the Auto-Debit. NOTE: If you alter the payment method here, it will also now display as the Credit Card that should be used for future Care Plan Auto Payments. This report is connected to the Auto Pay within a Patient File>Care Plan>Auto Payment. Please be sure that after Editing the Payment Method, the correct card is still connected to the future Care Plan Auto Payments. Change it back if necessary.
- Re-Submit: Allows you to manually push a "Never Attempted" payment. This is very helpful when the patient has a CREDIT and the auto-debit still needs to be taken.
- Close: Close the Report
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side), click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.
***This has the fastest response time***
Call or Text: 909-378-9514
Business Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-6pm CST
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