There are several different providers in your software. It is important to understand the role of each of these providers and how they affect each report so that you can properly set up CoAction to gain the data from the reports that you desire.
It becomes very important to set up the various providers if you have multiple providers in your clinic. If you do not have multiple providers in your clinic it is HIGHLY recommended that you still set up the software and patient files as if there was a second provider, so that in the event that you add another provider down the road it will not be as difficult a transition.
Assigned Provider: An assigned provider is the provider for which you would like to link the patient to for financial reporting, regardless of who actually sees the patient. This will also give you the option to only show those patients who are assigned to a specific provider in the Rolodex. For example, I can set Dr. A’s privileges so that he is only able to see the patients in which he/she is listed as the Assigned provider.
The Assigned provider is chosen in the patient's file > Patient tab, and the assigned provider chosen will count for all cases in their account (there is not a way to choose a different assigned provider for each case, for that you would want to select a designated provider in their Case tab)
Treating Provider is the doctor that is actually seeing the patient. The treating provider defaults to whomever that patient’s appointment is scheduled under in the Appointment Book. There are several times this can be changed if necessary.
When scheduling within the Patient file, you can choose the Provider by utilizing the dropdown and selecting the correct Provider:
This can be changed as the patient is being Checked In. When you put the patient in a specific room, you also have the option to change the treating/rendering provider.
If the appointment has already been checked out you can change the treating/rendering provider that is linked to the charge but you cannot change the treating provider linked to the SOAP notes.
The Treating/Rendering Provider can be changed on a specific charge by going into the visit and selecting Edit Charge. You will see a drop down menu next to Treating Provider. You can also go into the patient’s file, click Ledger and Charges. If you double click on the charge and click on the Billing Information Tab, you will see the drop down menu for Treating Provider.
The Billing Provider is the doctor for whom you would want that patient’s services billed under. If a Billing Provider is NOT selected for that patient’s case, the charge will get billed under whomever the Treating Provider is. You should use the Billing Provider if you want ALL charges for a specific case to be billing under a specific provider.
The Billing Provider can be changed on a specific charge by going into the visit and selecting Edit Charge. You will see a drop-down menu next to Billing Provider. You can also go into the patient’s file, click the Ledger tab, and then the Charges tab. If you double-click on the charge and the Billing Information Tab, you will see the drop-down menu for Billing Provider.
Using the designated provider area within the patients' case tab will allow you to have a provider linked to a specific case. Meaning that anything done on that particular case is counted towards that provider's financials.
For example, you can have Dr. A as the Assigned Provider within their actual patient file but, there might be two cases created. One for chiropractic and one for massage. The case for chiropractic can have the designated provider be the same as the assigned provider or someone different. In the massage case, the designated provider can be a massage therapist if this is their patient or left to none if more than one massage therapist will be seeing the patient for massage appointments.
No provider should be designated to a case if financials are spread. If no designated provider is selected in a case, you must run reports by the treating provider, so the correct provider receives credit for their own charges/payments.
If you select the Day Sheet and Collections Income report to be run based on the Designated provider, then you MUST select a designated provider for each patient’s case to see it categorized by the right provider. If a case does not have a designated provider listed, you will see those calculations fall under an Unassigned category.
The following reports are affected by the providers listed:
- Day Sheet – You have the option to run this report based on Assigned Provider, Designated, or Treating Provider
- Collections Income Report – You have the option to run this report based on Assigned Provider or Designated Provider (selection can be made under Global Settings)
- Generated Income Report – You have the option to run this report based on Assigned Provider or Treating Provider (selection can be made under Global Settings)
- Sales Tax – You have the option to run this report based on Assigned Provider or Treating Provider
- Support Information -
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Phone/Text: 909-378-9514
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