This AR report is a Summary Report. It allows you to see any patient that has a balance on their account for a specific date range. This will let you know if its patient, payer or both that are responsible for the balance and whether it is 30, 60, 90 etc. days old. You will also be provided info on charges, dates of service, when a charge was last billed, who the insurance company is and how to get a hold of them for payment and questions. You can run this report by Billing Entity or by Treating provider.
To Run the AR Report
- You will press the Reports button located in your Tool Bar
2. Next, Select AR Report button
3. Select Filters you would like to run the report by:
- Filter Type: Use the dropdown to select Billing Entity or Treating Provider
- Balance: Use the dropdown to select your Option. Choices are:
- All cases with a balance regardless of aging
- OR You can get specific with 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, 121+days past due.
- Billing Entity: Use the dropdown to choose a specific Billing Entity entered into CoAction in Admin>Billing Entity OR select None for all to populate
- Case Type: Use the dropdown to choose a specific Case Type. Choose None for all Case Types to populate
- Payers: Click in the Search Area to see: Select All or click the box for certain Payer to populate
Next, Hit the Submit Button to Generate your report according to the filters selected:
- Select the types of balances you would like to see:
- Total Case
- Payer (If you select Payer: you will select All Payers or the specific payer you want to see balances for. Ie: Medicare, Aetna, Blue Cross Etc.)
- Patient Balances Only.
*Please Note - This is the Summary Report, so Total Case, Patient Balances & Payer Balances will show according to the Option selected in the Payers Filter.
To see a Detailed Report showing: patients name, charges, the date of service the charge was applied to, how much the balance is, when the charge was last billed, Insurance company name, Patient ID number, Payer contact number etc., you will want to go to Reports>Ar Payer Detail:
If you choose Payer Balances Only, you can select Summary Report or Detailed Report.
Here are 2 examples:
- If you run the AR Report for Total Case Balances, it will come out looking something like this.
- This Summary Report will display the patient's name, case name, patient or payer phone number, how long the balance has been sitting and whether it is patient or payer responsibility.
- If you run the AR Report to display Payer Balances, It will display a more detailed view of what the Payer owes and why.
- You will see the patients name, charges, the date of service the charge was applied to, how much the balance is, when the charge was last billed, Insurance company name, Patient ID number, Payer contact number etc.
To Download/Print a Report
AR reports will display a toolbar at the top of the page when generated.
You will be able to Print and Export the document. You will see the Red Box is highlighting the Print button and the Export options. X=Excel, A=Adobe, and W=Word.
Helpful Info:
The AR Report is refreshed by a new payment received by the patient or a completed appointment in the patient’s case.
If write-offs were performed “AFTER" the last completed appointment and the patient has not been seen in the office since the write off was added into charges, this can result in you AR Report reflecting a balance when the patient is displaying a 0.00 Balance in their Case/Ledger.
Steps on how to Refresh the AR Report
Option 1:
When Patient has Visits in their case
- Go to the Patients file
- Select Appointment Tab
- Click on the most recent, Completed Appointment
- Click Review Button
- Click Check out in patient’s appointment
- Re-run AR Report
Option 2:
When a case is all Over the Counter Charges
- Go to the Patients file
- Select Ledger Tab
- Select Payment Tab
- Post Payment Button
- Add in .01 cash payment
- Click on .01 payment made
- Select Delete Button to delete payment
- Re-run AR Report
Option 3: Contact Support
If the patient is still present on the AR Report, that can mean money within a charge on the Ledger was not allocated properly.
Support will look at the Patients File/Charges to see where the discrepancy or problem lies.
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side), click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.
***This has the fastest response time***
Phone: 909-378-9514
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm CST
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