The Referral Patient Report displays patient's’names and who they referred to the clinic in the date range selected.
This is a very helpful report if you like to acknowledge patients that refer others to the clinic.
You can create mailing labels for patients generated on this report.
Referral= Patients being referred to the clinic
Referral Source= Patient that referred the new patients to the clinic
For this report to be accurate, you must go to the New Patients file >> Patient info tab >> Edit >> Go down to the very last Source option on the right >> press the Select button >> find the Referring Patient in the rolodex >> Select Open and Save the Patient info screen.
Lets get Started!
Under Reports
Referral Patient
Select Date Range you would like to run the report. Options are Range of Days, Day, Week, Month, Quarter and Year
Select to Sort by Number of patients referred or by estimated income:
Sample Report:
You will see the filters selected at the top of the report, Referring Patients name in bold and the name, phone, address, new patient date, estimated income (to date), subtotals and the total number of patients referred by that patient.
You will also see a bar graph at the bottom of the report. This is a visual tool to see patients that referred the most patients.
Mailing Labels:
You can create mailing labels for the referral or referral source by selecting the appropriate option to the bottom right of the report.
To Download/Print a Report
All reports will display a tool bar at the top of the page when generated.
You will be able to Print and Export the document. You will see the Red Circle is highlighting the Print button and the Red Arrow is pointing to the Export options. X=Excel, A=Adobe and W=Word.
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process, please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side), click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.
***This has the fastest response time***
Phone: 909-378-9514
Business Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-6pm CST
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