This report will allow you to see a list of ALL Missed Appointments in the date range selected.
Missed appointments will turn Appointments in the Scheduled Column RED on the Appointment Dashboard.
A Missed Appointment must keep the Missed status for 24 hrs. before it will be added to the Report. This allows the patient time to reschedule before it's classified as Missed.
This report is run by Treating Provider (who the patient was scheduled under) and can be sorted by scheduled date/time or by status.
To Run the Missed Appointments Report:
Select the Reports button located in your Toolbar
Select Missed Appointments button
Select Filters you would like to run the report by (see image below)
- Clinic (if left blank, it will show totals for all)
- Scheduled / Treating Provider - you can choose whether it runs for All Providers or a specific provider
- “If ALL is selected, print a separate report for each provider” you can check this box if you would like a separate report ran. If not checked, info for all providers will print on the same report.
- Date Range - Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year or Everything before
Here is an example of how the Report will look:
Once the filters are selected and you click the 'Next' button to generate the report, this is how it will display.
It contains the following information:
- Provider the patient is scheduled with
- Date/Time and Reason of Visit for the appointment
- Patient name and Case
- Home Phone number
- Address
- Any note added to the appointment
Mailing Labels
Next to Csv Export button, you will see a button that states
You can select the Mailing Label button to create mailing labels for patients on this report.
To Download/Print a Report
All reports will display a toolbar at the top of the page when generated.
You will be able to Print and Export the document. You will see the Red Circle is highlighting the Print button and the Red Arrow is pointing to the Export options. X=Excel, A=Adobe and W=Word.
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side), click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.***This has the fastest response time***
Phone: 909-378-9514
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm CST
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