Stat Sheet Report
You can find this report in: Reports, Stat Sheet
This report generates data based on the Assigned provider. If your clinic is not Assigning a provider within the patient's file, patient info tab, you will rely on the calculations for the clinic (All Providers).
** In the upcoming New Year's 2022! Update, You can now export this report. Simply right-click a column header and select "Export to Excel":
Setting up your report to obtain data
First Step:
Select NEW at that top Left of the Screen
Select each individual provider you would like to pull data for or select the ALL Providers Box to add all and hit Save
Once you have chosen your providers, the drop-down next to the New Button will have them all Listed
All steps from here on out will need to be done with each provider from the drop-down.
Second Step Goals Tab:
Manually Fill Out Your Goals
Select ADD Next to New Patient Activities
Select "Click to Add"
When this window appears
Select each Referral Source you would like calculated in your totals. We suggest selecting them all to make sure nothing is missed. To select multiple options, hold down the Ctrl button while making your selections. Once all of your options are highlighted in Blue, select Save.
Now Click on the "0" you see to enter the number of "New Patients" you would like to get. Then click on "New Patient Activity" to lock the number in
Keep in mind: You can create individual "New Patient Activities" by continuing to select the ADD button if you are wanting to see stats for your referral sources separately.
Once you have all of your "New Patient Activities" created it should look something like this
If you look to the right, you will see your categories filled in. Showing you a projection of Annual Revenue, Quarterly Revenue, and the number of NP you would have to get every quarter to meet your goal.
Annual Revenue: The goals set are for the year you create it. If you created your goals in 2020, then the data appearing is for 2020. Every provider should make new goals for themselves, every year.
Quarterly Revenue: These are just the goals. So every quarter is the same. It is calculated off [Conversion rate / 100 * PVA * OVA * (new patient activity number)]
NP Per Quarter: To calculate the goal you take the number you have assigned to a "New Patient Activity" and divide it by 4. For my first category created, I selected 150 New Patients. 150/4=37.5 the calculation is rounded to show 37 NP per Quarter.
Step 3: Marketing Goals Tab
These are goals added to the system by the user. You just click on the “0” to change it. It does not do anything else but tracks your personal goals.
To Generate, Click ADD
Click on the "O" to change the number displayed
Enter the number you would like and click the "New Patient Activity" area to lock in the number
Step 4: Master Lists
1. Indicate if you would like Patients/Leads imported into your database from a CSV file. This is ANY CSV file support has uploaded from leads lists etc.
2. Select Populate/Refresh
Once the system finishes grabbing the data, you will see a spreadsheet view filled in under Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
Step 5: NP Counts
Nothing needs to be done on the NP Counts Tab. This area will show data based on New Patients attached to the Referral Sources you have selected to be shown within the New Patients Activity area of the Goals Tab. Please keep in mind, New Patients that do not have a referral source attached, WILL NOT show here.
Columns Explained
- NP Appointment (New patient appointment)
Counts include FIRST Scheduled appointment for a patient that Has or Triggered the "New Patient Status". Missed, Cancelled, and Rescheduled are included but, if the appointment was deleted, it will not be included. Will filter based on the Assigned provider if applicable and will include patients from a CSV file if chosen to include.
- NP Showed (New patient showed)
Count of the first COMPLETED appointment by a "New Patient" in the date range that was or was not uploaded from a CSV file (Based on the choice to include patients from CSV file) and also filters based on Assigned provider if applicable.
- Accepted
This column is counting the number of patients who made a payment toward their New Patient appointment. Indicating that they financially accepted care. Payment does not have to be during the New Patient appointment. If they’ve paid, they are considered “accepting” care.
- Reactivated Pt (Reactivated patient)
A patient is considered "Reactivated" if their last completed appointment was more than 6 months ago. This column will count all reactivated patients for a particular range. Will filter based on the Assigned provider if applicable.
- Regular patient visits (Visit count below)
A count of all completed appointments in the date range of patients assigned to this particular provider. Will filter based on the Assigned provider if applicable. If you would like to see who physically saw a patient you must look at the appointment results report.
- Re-Exams
A count of all visits completed in the date range that have a reason of visit attached named “reeval”, “re-exam”, or “reexam” in the description. Will filter based on the provider if applicable.
- Total No Shows
A count of all the visits that were either missed or canceled in the date range. Will filter based on the Assigned provider if applicable.
- KAP (only on Monthly sub-tab)
(Regular Patient Visit – No Shows) / Regular patient Visit = %
- Total Production
This column calculates all charges applied to a patient ledger. This includes OTC purchases, CPT codes not included in a care plan, Care plan down payments, and Balance Forwards. Will filter based on the Assigned provider if applicable.
- Write off amount
Adds together all individual write-offs and fee schedule write-offs associated with a charge. This calculation is based on the Write off Date. If you need to verify the amount, you can run the write-off report for the specific time frame. Will filter based on the Assigned provider if applicable.
- Net Production (only on Monthly sub-tab)
Total production – Write off amount = Net Production
- Collections
The total collections reported within this column is a grand total of payments posted within that posting date for the assigned provider. If payments are being collected and the posting date is being changed, this report will be constantly changing to show the new data. (Just like the Day Sheet Report)
To verify the Collections column against the Collections income report, you must have Admin >Global Settings >Collections Income Report set to Assigned provider and Action Selected.
To verify the Collections column against the Daysheet report, you must have Admin>Global Settings>Daysheet set to the Assigned provider.
- Collection Percentage (only on Monthly sub-tab)
Collections / Net Production = Collection %
- PVA: Patient Visit Average (only on Monthly sub-tab)
This calculates the total visits completed / total unique patients that had a visit in the date range. Info will generate for the "Clinic" totals and filter based on the provider the visits are scheduled on not the assigned provider to the patient. Data may be different between the two.
This column is also based on yearly data. When generating the report, ALL columns for each month will display the same value.
"Total Unique patients" is a true patient count. If a patient was seen in the office for more than one appointment type IE: A Chiropractic appointment and a Massage appointment, these patients are identified and they are only counted once.
- OVA: Overall Visit Average-$ (only on Monthly sub-tab)
Collections Column / Regular Patient Visit Count Column
- CVA: Completed Visit Average-$ (only on Monthly sub-tab)
OVA Column *(multiplied by)PVA Column
- Support Information -
If you have any questions please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side), click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.
***This has the fastest response time***
Phone: 909-378-9514
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm CST
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