The Mailing Labels Report allows you to create mailing labels for the specific filters you choose.
You can also create return labels with your clinic address.
It is required to use Avery 5160 labels or an equivalent.
To create Mailing Labels
Under Reports
Mailing Labels
Select Appropriate Filters:
Select where you would like labels to start.
This is helpful if you would like to use a partially used label sheet
All boxes that are highlighted blue will contain a mailing label.
Select the ALL button and pick the appropriate filter from the dropdown.
You can select to 'Only print labels if name and address are complete' within the patient's file.
'Only print labels for assigned provider'
If you select the box to Only print labels for an Assigned Provider, you must select the appropriate Provider from the dropdown.
Select Next to Generate
Sample Report:
Your report will show the information that is going to generate on your mailing labels and where you asked to start printing.
When you are satisfied with what will generate, add labels to printer and select printer button at the top left.
To Download/Print a Report
All reports will display a tool bar at the top of the page when generated.
You will be able to Print and Export the document. You will see the Red Circle is highlighting the Print button and the Red Arrow is pointing to the Export options. X=Excel, A=Adobe and W=Word.
To Create Return Labels:
Select the Free Text Filter instead of ALL
Type in your Clinic name and Address
Select the number of labels you would like to generate
Select Next
Select Next
Sample Report:
Your report will show the information that is going to generate on your mailing labels and where you asked to start printing.
When you are satisfied with what will generate, add labels to printer and select printer button at the top left.
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side), click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.
***This has the fastest response time***
Phone: 909-378-9514
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm CST
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