The CPT STAT Report will give you information on a CPT codes performance within your Database.
This report will show you by CPT code: the frequency or units, total amounts, tax, total amount collected.
It can be used to grab data for ALL or Specific CPT codes applied to patient ledgers within that date range. If a code was applied to a ledger outside that date range, they will be excluded in the counts.
This report may not match your Generated Income Report. Balance forwards are not displayed on the CPT stat report but, will display on the Generated Income. In addition, money applied via credit forward will show on CPT Stat report for performance purposes but, are excluded from Generated Income report and Collections income report.
The system does not supply an inventory management feature currently. Clinics can use this report for inventory monitoring as it will provide details on the number of supplements sold in a time frame, so you can cross-reference with the number you started with.
To Run the CPT Stat Report
Under Reports
CPT Stat
Filters for this report include:
- Clinic - Choose All Clinics or select a specific one
- CPT Code-you can Leave Blank or enter a specific CPT code.For Example: you may only want stats on your supplements sold. So, you would enter code A9150
- Scheduled/Rendering Provider- you can select ALL Providers or a Specific Provider
- Date Range- You can select any of these in the drop-down menu: Range of Days, Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year or Everything before today
- Payer - select All Payers or a specific one, you also can hold down the CTRL key and you can select multiple payers
- Case Classification - select either ALL Classifications, Barter, Cash, Medical Insurance or Medicare
- Select Next
After selecting filters, click 'Finished' button at bottom of page to generate.
Here is an example of the Report:
Displays filters applied in the previous screen at the top
- Shows the CPT code
- Description of the CPT code
- Frequency: Number of times code was applied to an appointment/Patient Ledger
- Units: Number of units (Selected in the Price List) for each code, multiplied by the frequency.
- Contracted Amount: Amount to be collected After Fee Schedule allowed amounts are reflected.
- Total Amount: Amount from the Price List
- Tax: Total amount of tax collected on CPT code
- Collected: Amount received towards charges in the date range. This amount will be lower then Contracted or Total Amount if write offs were placed in towards the charges.
(The Frequency number may be lower than the units presented)
For Example: A Patient Comes into the clinic to buy 2 Daily Vitamins. Because you cannot add in the same CPT code to the Patients Appointment or OTC area more than once, you would apply the CPT code button once and then adjust the number of units sold to 2 because the patient purchased 2.
On the CPT stat Report, it will display as 1/2 Indicating that there was a frequency of 1 but a total of 2 units sold.
Then if another patient comes in to buy 1 daily vitamin, it would say 2/3 and so on.
To Download/Print a Report
All reports will display a toolbar at the top of the page when generated.
You will be able to Print and Export the document. You will see the Red Circle is highlighting the Print button and the Red Arrow is pointing to the Export options. X=Excel, A=Adobe and W=Word.
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side), click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.***This has the fastest response time***
Phone: 909-378-9514
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm CST
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