Note: When adjusting a Payer's HCFA settings please be aware of Settings for level (Primary, Secondary or Tertiary), the Form type (08/05 or 02/12), and 1500 Output Option(Paper or Electronic).
Within Admin>Payers>Select Payer>Edit:
Printing Options Tab
This is where you would go to select the information on the HCFA that should display within each box.
Scrubbing Tab
This is where you would go to check which boxes are selected to Print. NOTE: Boxes displayed as Yellow is what will be printed. Boxes displayed as White is what will NOT be printed. To select the individual Boxes TO Print(Yellow) or NOT to Print(White), Just click on the Box.
Here are some possible Scrubbing Report Errors you may come across and how to fix them:
Top Right Address [Admin>Payers>General]
FIX: Admin>Payers>Select the Payer>Edit>Printing Options>Address Printing(Top Right side)>Select Print Address>Save. Be sure to hit the Scrubbing tab and click the same box, so that it displays Yellow(should be printed)
Box 4: Box 4 not displaying insured's name
FIX: If Box 4 is displaying the insured's name (this will either be the patient's name, another patient's name or a non-patient's name) but is passing scrubbing and not printing. If and once the correct data is entered, please go to Admin>Payers>Select the Payer>Edit>Printing Options>Select Primary, Secondary or Tiertiary>and switch Box 4 from leave blank to print ALL patient information>Save
Box 5: Patient Phone [Patient File>Patient Tab]
FIX: Add the phone number in under patient tab in the patient file. If patient does not have a home phone number, please add their cell phone number in the Box 5 area
Box 10b: Condition Related To: Auto Accident State [Patient File>Case Tab]
FIX: Access Patients Case>Next to Yes, Select State of Auto Accident in Dropdown>Save.
Box 11
FIX: Enter patients file > insurance tab > select policy > Edit > and add the necessary info into the box 11 area. Then go to Admin > Payers > Select the Exact Payer connected to the patients charges > edit > select printing options tab > go down to box 11 and make sure it states to "Print information from patients policy" then SAVE.
Box 11d: Another Health Plan Benefit [patient file>insurance>policy]
FIX: Enter patients file, Insurance tab, select policy, Edit and if the patient has a secondary, you will select YES, if not, You will select NO.
Box 12: Patient Signatures (on file) [patient file>case>edit]
Fix: Release of medical info- must enter date if billing insurance, the additional 3 are not required by HCFA form
Box 13: Patient authorization of benefits signature [patient file>insurance>policy]
FIX: Enter patients file, Insurance tab, select policy, Edit, and you need to make sure the Box 13 is checked, indicating Patient Authorization of Benefits has been completed by the patient
Box 14: Date of current illness/injury [Patient Appointment>Edit ICD]
FIX: This is located within a patients file, Appointment tab, Select Appointment, Select Review button, under Edit ICD panel, find injury onset date, enter the appropriate information then Check out the appointment
Box 14 Qualifier:
FIX: Box 14 qualifier will default to 431. To change this you will go to patient file > appointment tab > select DOS > Review button > go to Edit ICDs Panel > on the bottom half of the panel is where box 14 is, to the right is a drop down box where the qualifier is displayed. After changing click Check Out. If the qualifier is changed on the most recent completed appointment, then on their next appointment, the new qualifier will be auto placed in to box 14, that way you don't have to change it within every appointment :)
Box 15: same/Similar date [Patient Appointment->Edit icd
FIX: If box 15 IS NOT a requirement for billing. You can go to Admin, Payers, Select the payer, Edit, Select Primary, Secondary or Tiertary, Scrubbing tab and make sure that box 15 is not highlighted as a requirement and save. If Box 15 IS a requirement for billing, you will go to the patients file, review their appointment, Edit ICD area, Box 15 and add in the necessary info, then check out the appointment. Then go to Admin, Payers, Select the payer, Edit, Select Primary, Secondary or Tiertary, Scrubbing tab and make sure Box 15 is highlighted (this indicates this box will print)
Box 17b: Referring Provider npi [Admin>Billing Entities]
FIX: Admin, Payers, Select payer, Edit, printing options tab, go down to box 17B, click the box and select the NPI option for the claim to have the NPI printed and save. **If you do NOT have a referring provider, go to that payer, then change what will print to show billing provider instead of referring provider and save**
Box 19: [Patient Appointment>ICD]
FIX: If you are wanting info to print in box 19, you will have to go to the patients file, appointment tab, select appointment, review, go to Edit ICD panel, go down to box 19, add info in and check out the appointment again to save data. Then go to Admin, Payers, select payer this is coming up for, Edit, Select scrubbing tab, go down to box 19. For it to Print, it will need to be highlighted(Yellow), Save and then try to generate the claim again.
Box 21: Diagnosis and Diagnosis Pointer [Edit Charges>ICD Codes]
Box 21: Diagnosis Pointer [Patient Appointment->Edit Charges]
FIX 1: Go to Admin > Payers > Select insurance > Edit button > Select Printing Options tab > Select primary or secondary (this will be determined by what the payer is listed in the patient's insurance snapshot) > Scroll down to box 21: change 9 to 10 >SAVE
**If you do not see a drop down for box 21, that means you need to change the HCFA version in the drop down in the top right corner of the screen, to 02/12**
Then check to see if the error still occurs on the scrubbing report.
FIX 2: Go to the patient file > appointments > select the appt > Review > In edit charges you will scroll to the right to the column that says ICD's > Click the box and make sure that ICD's are correctly checked and SAVE. Then check out of the appt and create HCFAs again.
FIX 3: Make sure ICD code(s) tied to the Charge(s) is an ICD 10. Capture ICD codes tied to charges in Appointment>Edit Charges>ICD Column. Go to Admin>ICD Codes>ICD Code Search>Enter captured ICD Codes, make sure middle column displays 10. If it displays 9, the ICD code must be converted and added into the ICD library, moved to an available button in the button structure and replaces the current ICD code tied to charges. Check out of the appointment and attempt to Rebill.
Box 21: Diagnosis Code 4 [Patient Appointment->Edit ICD
FIX: This means you have less than 4 ICD codes tied to the Charge, but HCFA settings is wanting to pick up at least 4 **Code 4 is the issue. Go to Admin>Payers>Select Payer>Edit>Printing Options>Box 21 and unselect the 4th Box that is Highlighted, then hit Save. Attempt to create HCFA again to pickup new changes.
Box 24: Modifier
FIX: This means that this payer is set require a modifier in order to pass scrubbing. To fix go to Admin > Payers > scrubbing tab > uncheck the box to require modifier, to make the box WHITE instead of YELLOW, then Save
Box 24: HFCA Notes (this information prints in the shaded area of box 24 on the HCFA form)
FIX: Go to Administration > Payers > Select insurance > Edit > Printing Options tab > Go down to box 24 (There's a number 1 to the left of those boxes) and then in the third drop down over, make sure that 'Leave shaded section blank' is selected there, then click Save
Box 24a: To Date of Service (To) [Patient Appointment-> Edit Charges]
FIX: Admin, Payers, Select the payer, Edit the payer, Go to the printing options tab, go down to box 24 and in the first drop down change info selected to "To and From" and then save. Is this the patient's primary, secondary or tiertiary? Depending upon your answer, you will need to select primary, secondary or tiertiary once you select printing options. Within Printing Options, Box 24 you will see "From & To" with options of: 6 digits or 8 digits. If you don't know which one to choose, because certain payers take one or the other, First select 6 digits "From & To" and if it doesn't pass scrubbing after you make that switch, switch it to 8 digits.
Then make sure Form 02/12 is selected, Move to Scrubbing Tab and make sure Box 24 is Yellow(Selected to Print) and SAVE.
Box 27: Accept Assignment [patient file>insurance>policy]
FIX: Enter patient file>Insurance Tab>Select Insurance>Edit>make sure box 27 indicates YES. This is saying that you(the clinic) is accepting this patient for Care.
Box 29
FIX: To have money amounts placed into box 29, you will have to go to Admin, Payers, select the Medicare payer in question, Edit, select the printing options tab, go down to box 29 and select what is needed to show from the dropdown and save
Box 31: Provider/Supplier License
FIX: If you do not want the state license number to print on the HCFA, but you are getting this error in scrubbing then follow these steps: Go to Administration > Payers > Select insurance you are billing to > Edit button > Scrubbing tab > Make sure correct option is selected in top left corner (Primary or Secondary) > then scroll to bottom of page and un-check the very bottom left box on the page (to make it turn white instead of yellow) > Save and close > Rebill in patient's file > Ledger tab > Charges tab in order to see the changes.
Box 32:Facility Name/Address [Patient 's Appointment]Edit charges or Admin->Billing Entities
Box 32a: Facility npi [patient's appointment>Edit charges or Admin > Billing Entities
FIX: To change the information that is generated in box 32 & 32a you will need to go to Admin > Payers > Select the correct insurance company > Edit button on bottom > Printing Options tab > Select either 'Primary' or 'Secondary' at top left of screen > Scroll down to box 32 and select drop down > From there you can choose which information should populate for that box. Then go to the Scrubbing Tab, down to Box 32 & 32a to make sure they are yellow. The boxes in Yellow are what are to print on the HCFA's
**Note** If you need to leave this box blank, but it is not passing scrubbing if "Leave Blank" is selected, then you will need to go to Administration > Payers > Select insurance > Edit > Scrubbing tab > Scroll down to box 33a, and click on it to make that box turn WHITE. If the box is yellow, that means that the system will find info to put something into that box, if it is white, that means the system will not print anything in the box.
Information on Forms/Boxes:
NOTE: Form 02/12 became effective as of April 1st, 2014 replacing Form 08/05
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side) within the software, click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.
Hours of operation are M-F 8am-6pm CST
***This has the fastest response time***
Phone or Text: 909-358-9514
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