How to Post An EOB
When an EOB comes back as a Payment, Denial or being applied towards a Patient's Deductible, this is how you would Post the EOB.
Select Billing in CoAction ToolBar
Select Post New EOB
Fill out EOB Screen
- Enter Posted Date (Date you are posting EOB)
- Select Check or Credit Card option (this will remove the check number field)
- Enter Check number (NOTE: Check Number Can NOT be edited later) or Select Blue Hyperlink. Click to add Credit Card
Please Note: Posting a CC payment in the “Post New EOB” area is not actually running the Credit Card for payment. You will have to run the Credit Card through your merchant as well.
If you are using Heartland for your Merchant Services, you will run the payment through the Portico System provided by Heartland. If you have not utilized this feature, please contact Heartland to have access.
If you are using Fortis for your Merchant Services, you will process the payment in the backend of Fortis using their Virtual Terminal.
Add in All Credit Card Info Provided.
When finished select OK
- Enter EOB/Check Date **Note: If you DO NOT enter a check date while Posting the new EOB, You will not be able to complete it! You will have to then START over while posting the EOB Check Date.
- Select Insurance Payer from drop-down.
- Select Correct Clinic in drop-down, payment is posting to. (If there is only one clinic entered in your database, the correct clinic will automatically display)
- Enter Check Amount (Amount of Check or Credit Card payment) NOTE: This is the only field that can be edited later)
- Enter Any Notes needing to be applied
Once finished, select NEXT
Select 1st Patient on EOB within the Rolodex
Select NEXT
- Make sure the correct Payer level Tab is selected.
- Using Calendar display provided, Select Date/s of service payment is being applied to.
- To select multiple dates, hold down the CTRL button or click on first date of service and drag the mouse to highlight a whole section.
- Select Apply Date Filter Button to display dates of service that are within the dates selected on the Calendar.
Quick Tip:
If your office gets busy or you get pulled away from the computer, the Save Button at the bottom Left of the Screen will allow you to Save your progress.
When you are ready to work on your EOB again, you will go to Billing > In-process EOBS > Find the correct EOB > Select > Edit EOB to pick up where you left off. 😊
There are 2 ways to post your EOB:
You can post payment to charges using the spreadsheet view displayed by tabbing through each column and entering the correct info.
Select the Green Pencil Icon to the far Right of the charges
This display has more options than what the spreadsheet view has.
You can perform Recoupments, Insurance Refunds and see previous recoupments, refunds and payments if more than one EOB has been applied to charges.
When money has been allocated properly, Select OK.
Please Note: If money is not allocated properly, you will see a red Exclamation point indicating something needs to be fixed.
If you have more patients to enter on EOB, Select Next.
If you are posting Denials or Deductible payments, where no check amount is entered, you will be asked:
"Would you like to Complete this EOB?"
Select “No”
Select the next Patient from Rolodex and repeat the steps.
Once you are finished posting the EOB, you can upload the EOB for safe keeping.
To upload your EOB
- Scan your EOB and Save onto your Computer (If it is not already a saved file)
- Select “Attached Files” Tab, then Add
Select Location of File, OPEN
You will see a downloading window pop up. This window will close on its own, when finished.
Uploaded EOB will display.
This EOB can be viewed anytime when reviewing. To view the attachment select the file and click “Edit”
Now select General Tab (next to Attached Files tab) to go back to EOB posting screen.
Now that you have completed all steps, you will verify that the Total Check Amount matches the Amount Applied and Select Next.
"Would you like to Complete this EOB?"
If finished, Select YES!!!
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side) within the software, click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.
***This has the fastest response time***
Phone/Text: 909-378-9514
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