Patient Super Receipts
Super Receipts are generated for Patients that have Flex Spending or HSA accounts, Patients that need to be reimbursed for prepaid services, Attorneys that need breakdowns of services rendered, etc.
Super Receipts DO NOT show a payment or payment amount. A Super Receipt is designed to show you a breakdown of charges and how much of a patient’s payment was applied to that specific charge.
The Super Receipt will display write-offs if they are present on a charge. That includes write-offs done because of a Care Plan, Fee Schedule, and/or manual Write-off.
The Super Receipt will show the ICD codes in the SAME order as displayed within the patient appointment
To Generate
1) From the Main Menu go to Rolodex > select patient > double click or click open to open the patient's file
2) In the patient's file > select the Billing tab> select the Super Receipt tab
3) Select Create (bottom right)
4) Choose your filters:
- Display Clinic Address
- Date Range - select what range you want on the super receipt.
Here are the options:
Please keep in mind: Dates of service displayed will be based on the date range that was chosen. Any date of service outside of the date range will be excluded.
The Next section will depend on what you would like displayed on the Super Receipt. You will checkmark the appropriate boxes.
- Only include charges that would print on the 1500 claim form (HCFA) - If this box is checked, CPT codes that were not selected to print on a HCFA within the clinics' Price List/Fee Schedules will be excluded.
- Include Provider NPI number- Treating provider info prints unless a billing provider is attached to charges.
- Include Provider Tax ID number- Treating provider info prints unless a billing provider is attached to charges.
- Include a full description for ICDs- If this is not selected, only the ICD10 code will show without a description.
Select the appropriate "From Address" Select the Patients name and address.
Select the appropriate "To Address". Options include
- Primary Payer
- Attorney
- Free Text
5) Select Next (bottom right) to generate the Super Receipt
To Download/Print the Super Receipt
You will see a toolbar at the top of the page when generated.
You will be able to Print and Export the document. You will see the Print button and the Red Arrow is pointing to the Export options. X=Excel, A=Adobe, and W=Word.
6) Select Finish when done. Your software will keep a copy of the Super Receipt run within the patients' file.
Troubleshooting & Tips
1. Super receipt coming up blank?
- That typically means that the date range chosen on the Super Receipt does not encompass a date of service but, could also mean you need to un-check the filter "Only include charges that would print on the 1500 claim form (HCFA)".
2. Amount showing as the Total paid is not correct. That could mean a couple of different things:
- Responsibility for the charges is not correct. Patient vs Payer.
- The patient has a balance on their Charges Screen (What shows in the patient paid column is what will display on the S.R)
- A write-off that should have been entered was overlooked
3. Patient made a payment today, but on the super receipt, it says that the patient paid $0.00 for today's charges.
- This is because the system puts payments towards the oldest outstanding charges first. If the patient had a balance on their account before coming in today, then their payments would go towards those older charges, then any other amount paid after those older charges were covered, would go towards today's charges. To fix this, the patient would need to make a payment of those older charges + today's charges, or you could write off the amount the patient owes for the older charges, that way the system would put today's payment towards today's charges.
4. ICDs are not showing up on the super receipt:
- If you clicked the "Include full description for ICDs" box whenever creating the super receipt, but they are still not showing up, then you will need to open the appointment and make sure the ICD codes are mapped to the CPT codes. To do this you will need to go to:
- > Patient file
- > Appointment tab
- > Click on the date of service
- > Review button
- > Open the Edit Charges panel, and in the ICD column on that charge, click on the box to open up the ICD Window, and make sure the ICD codes have a checkmark next to them indicating they are mapped to the charge.
- > Check Out
- ***If you have other past appointments in the file, you will need to do this for all past appointments. But once you get them added to all of your appointments, including the most recent appointment, then they will automatically be checked now in all future appointments.
- ***If you need ICD codes displayed in a certain order, they will need to be completely deleted within the Patient Appointment>Edit ICD Panel. When in a Patient Appointment looking at the Edit ICD panel, utilize the Red X to delete. Then add in your ICD codes in the order needed to be displayed on the Super Receipt. Access the Edit Charges Panel>ICD tab to make sure boxes are checked>Save. Please check all charges. Check out the Appointment and Re-generate your Super Receipt:
5. Super Receipt is separating certain dates of service or OTC charges.
- For dates of service being separated, this most likely means that ICD codes associated with the dates of service are different. The Super Receipt will keep like-minded treatments together.
- For OTC charges being separated, this means that insurance is involved. OTC services are not covered by insurance, so the super receipt will separate those from the rest of the charges. If you would like the supplements etc. to be displayed with the rest of the services (in a running flow) the supplement/services added through OTC needs to be entered within the patient visit.
If your Super Receipt is not generating properly but, you have looked at all options listed above, contact support.
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process, please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side), click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.
Hours of operation are M-F 8am-6pm CST.
***This has the fastest response time***
Phone/Text: 909-378-9514
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