New CoAction Company Communication Tool is Here!!!
CoAction periodically sends out information to clinics in the form of calls, emails, and/or social media posts. We like to let clients know when updates are coming their way, helpful tips, or when we're aware of an issue. For example, a merchant service being used by our clients is down.
The problem is that our clients do not always hear our voicemails, receive our emails, or check social media. We understand that clinics are very busy, not everyone wants to be on social media, or remember to provide updated email addresses to support, etc.
As a solution, we have created a new way to communicate with all of our valued clients by sending content straight to your database!
Communication will be delivered in the form of 2 different types of notifications
1: Force Recognition
This type of notification will present itself the moment you log into the database as a pop-up to ensure that a user sees the content we are supplying.
This could be an update on support hours, an area of the software that is down, notifying a clinic of an update headed your way, or anything else CoAction feels our clients need to see.
To close, you will click on the Red X at the top right corner of the pop-up.
2: Subtle Notification
This notification will present itself at the bottom right corner of your screen. This will include helpful content that CoAction would like you to see at your next earliest convenience.
Once you click on the notification, a webpage will open up with the necessary information.
If you have any questions, please reach out to support
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