We are so EXCITED to share the Amazing Feature Enhancements you received in this update!!!!
Your software now has the ability to have more than one subdomain housed within your database. If a new funnel was created with a different subdomain then was originally set up. Please contact Support to have your additional subdomain added to your software Database.
Additional Patient Filters were added:
- Case Type: Include/Not Include option from list
- Major Complaint from Patient Info Tab: Include/Not Include option from list
- Tags: Include/Not Include Tags are entered in the free text box provided. You can enter multiple at a time by separating with a ; Ie: tag1;tag2;tag3
Additional Visit Filters added:
- All Patients made Active within X days
- With a completed visit between dates (Choose date range)
Patient File
You can now add Tags to a Patient's file, Patient info tab, click on Tags area, Enter the tag name and select Plus sign to lock-in. You can enter multiple at a time by separating with a ; Ie: tag1;tag2;tag3
There will be default tags that will be automatically shown after the update:
- Gender
- Occupation
- Zip-code
- City
- State Abbreviation
- Home Phone area code
- Marital Status
- Referral Source
- Major Complaint Or Condition
This to eliminate needing to use separate drop-downs when creating campaigns. You can use the tags for all of these things.
1. If you would like to send an individual email to a patient, you can add their name in as a tag and then create an email only sending it out to that patient. If you do not want your tag report to show patient names, delete the tag after the email has been sent.
2. If you would like to remove a tag, just select the minus sign to the left of each tag
Advancements to the gender area were made. You now have the ability to go to Admin, List Manager, Select Sex from the drop down and add additional gender options that can be made available within the Gender drop-down of the patients file.
Global Settings are in Admin
Adjustment Codes:
- Added ability to designate CPT Codes that should be counted as adjustments when looking at the Visit Quick List.
Black Diamond Report
Issues with calculations resolved. Click HERE to see a full walkthrough of this amazing statistic and goal setting report
Mailing Labels
The Patient Status “Legacy Active” was added to All Reports offering a Patient Status Filters
- Mailing Labels
- Patient List
- Birthday
Patient Recall Report
Now grabbing patients with legacy active status
Referral Source Report
New funnel leads being shown now.
Global Tag Report:
Under Admin> Global Tag List, you have a new report that allows you to see all tags used within the database and what patient is attached to the specific tag.
If you select the Report button at the bottom of the screen, you will be able to export and print the report if needed.
Text Message Queue
Complete Revamp:
- Shorter time to receive text messages
- New Look
- Ability to right click message received and select as unread
- When viewing a patient message, you can now see: photo, patient name, occupation, major complaint, city, state, zip, phone number and email address for additional communication options and ability to know exactly who you are responding to.
Katana Users
Programming added user password enhancements. All current user passwords are the same but, if a password is edited or a new user is added to your Software Database, you will be required to make a password that contains this requirement
- At least 8 characters long
- 1 lowercase letter
- 1 Uppercase letter
- 1 number
- 1 Special character (!@#$%^&*)
CSV Imports
When uploading a file from a client, the system will now recognize duplicates. It will auto check everyone for removal but, ones that should be kept can be unchecked and imported. The list can be sorted by first name or last name to identify duplicates easier as well :)
- Red will indicate patients that are duplicated within the database
- Blue will indicate patients that are duplicated within the file being uploaded
Self Check in
- Changes were made to make it more HIPPA compliant
- ability to launch "Self Check-in" without USB swiper/signature pad and go straight to the Onscreen Keyboard feature by clicking on the start button
Multiple Appointment Reminders
Ability to create more then one type of appointment reminder for a patient. IE text reminders can now go out 48 hrs before, 24 hrs before, and 2 hrs before. Click HERE for a full walkthrough of the setup process.
Pillow Reminders (BDC clients ONLY)
We now have the ability to send a special reminder to patients scheduled to come in for a "Pillow"
The patient appointment must be scheduled with a Reason for a visit that contains the word "Pillow" if the system finds that appt, this special reminder that you have created, will be sent. Click HERE for additional set-up information.
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