PLEASE NOTE: The server name is important to the function of the software. IF you have to change the server computers name for any reason, your will no longer be able to log into your database until a programmer comes onto your database to add the new server name to the internal workings of the software.
To install the software on the client non-server computers, you will need to follow these instructions.
1. On each one of your Client computers, locate your internet icon on the bottom right of your computer toolbar. (For Mac Users, this will be done within Windows on the Parallels program) Right click, select open network and internet settings and make sure your network states Private. If it does not, select change connection properties and making sure PRIVATE is selected and close window.
2. Select the correct link to access the download. CoAction/VitaLogics or Katana to access the download. Download the file and run the set up.
3. Go to the software log in screen, enter in our default username
Default Username: CoAction
Default Password: CoAction
4. select configuration box and make sure this info is entered:
Configuration Settings:
Data Source: YourServerNameHere\CoAction
Catalog: CoActionDB
Username: coactionuser
Password: 4re32wq1
*Please note* All areas are case sensitive and must be entered the exact way its listed above and hit Save
5. Now select Logon
6. Once you sign in, you might need to run another setup file if another version is available. Run the set up, enter username and password provided above and select Logon to ensure you are able to access the database.
You will not need to enter the Configuration settings again as that is only entered once at initial log in.
Once you are able to confirm that you are able to access the database, you can select the Quick Log Off button in the toolbar to the left and move to the next PC.
When logging into the software after installation, you will want to log in with your own personal username and password created in the Users section of your database.
All users should be logging into the software with their unique username and password on ONE computer at a time to access the database.
Logging in on multiple computers WILL result in display changes and data not saving properly.
If you experience any issues with installing the software on any of your Client PC's, please contact support by emailing us at This will allow us the ability to send you a session code for that pc to remote on and aid with the installation process.
Support is available Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm CST.
Have a great day!!
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