Whether you are a New or Existing software user, we want to ensure the most seamless installation of the software on your network. In order for that to become a reality we first need to ensure that your computers have met the minimum requirements, If you have not been provided that information yet, please click HERE.
There are several considerations that need to be addressed prior to having your database server installed. Please ensure you are ready to go and have done all the necessary prep work.
6 Steps to Prepping for Your Server Download
1. Chose the Right Computer to act as your Server. The Server computer should not be a domain controller. Remember - your server should be your fastest computer with the most memory. If support is required to move the server to another computer, you will incur a fee due to the labor involved in this task. Make sure that the computer that is going to act as your server computer has a unique name. There can not be another computer in your network that shares the same name as the server.
2. You must have your own high-speed internet access. You cannot use a neighbor's wireless connection and you CANNOT use an iPhone or Android phone to provide the internet connection. By trying to save a few dollars on a high-speed internet connection you are going to be wasting a lot of money in labor hours trying to manage the software that will not run properly with these connections.
3. Your wireless network must be set up properly. When utilizing the wireless network, it must be set at a Home or Work network. If you set it up as a Public network, it will block many transmissions to your machine thus slowing things down and preventing the software from functioning. You must also have a minimum of WPA-2 encryption on your wireless network to be compliant with HIPAA regulations.
4. All Windows Updates must be run on all PCs and all tablets that you plan to run your software on. To check if you have any Windows Updates that are needed click on the "Start Menu", select "Control Panel" and then select "Windows Updates". This step must be repeated until there are no more updates available to be installed.
5. Ensure that the Date and Time are accurate on all PCs and tablets that will be used to run your software to ensure data integrity.
6. The firewall on your computer must allow your database transmissions and updates to pass through while still helping to maintain security to your computer. A firewall is a program that controls what comes into your network from the web. The purpose of firewall software is to prevent viruses and other harmful programs from harming your network. If you have more than one firewall on any PC it will cause network conflicts that will impact your ability to use the software.
Please read the article below to gain more clarity on choosing the right firewall for your computer. (Yes, this is some really boring stuff but will prevent you from pulling your hair out and hitting your head against the wall in the future. Just hang in there and get this techie stuff out of the way and life will be good. Firewall issues = unhappy doctor!)
Once the software has been downloaded on your server computer, you will receive a follow-up email and be given a default username and password to allow access to your software.
Once you receive the default username and password, it is important to NEVER inactivate this user, as this is how the support staff can access your system when providing support.
Firewalls 101
The concern with most firewalls is their updates often don't allow new updated Microsoft web services to get through the firewall software. This often causes doctors to call and state "my software does not work" when the problem is often associated with their firewall.
Your database uses the powerful SQL database engine and the most advanced programming platform (.NET 4.0) that commonly gets blocked by third-party firewalls. These advanced programming platforms are used to provide the following great benefits:
-Highest Levels of Security and Encryption
-Numerous Updates with the assurance of all your workstations will be on the same version
-Unlimited internal 'Web Pages' for your patient files
-.NET3.5 w/ IIS/Web Services unleash the power of Microsoft SQL usage without the traditional limitation of user numbers - saving you money when your clinic grows.
Simply put, your database has much more internal 'Web page' transmission within your clinic's network causing traditional Firewalls to "Block" these web pages 'just in case' some of these transmissions are possibly 'harmful' (of course the software's transmissions are SAFE). Please take this extra step to ensure safe passage of data within your firewall & you will enjoy the SPEED, ACCURACY, SCALABILITY, and SAFETY without needing to pay thousands of dollars like other programs.
Either contact your firewall company and request these functions/paths within 'Internal' Network (NO need for external) to be added to their 'Safe List':
1. SQL Server Engine found in Microsoft Window Services
2. SQL Server Browser found in Microsoft Window Services
3. World Wide Web Services (HTTP)(Port 80)
4. Any and All services/updates with CoAction in the directory path
5. Any and All executables with C:\Coaciton\Services in the directory
----> Or even easier...
Switch to a firewall with which clinics have had great success. The best firewall to use according to a poll of our Clients is:
Microsoft Defender (Free, Fast) - Click Here to get more details.
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side) within the system, click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.***This has the fastest response time***
Phone: 909-378-9514
Email: support@coactionsoft.com
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm CST
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