New Patient Campaigns
New Patient Campaigns are a great way to get communication rolling to your patients right away. In this article, you will see some helpful info that we have put together to assist in your campaign creation process. Feel free to use the content we have provided or make it your own!
Here are some examples of what to include in your New Patient email campaigns:
- New Patient Paperwork links give patients the ability to print, fill out and send back to the clinic without having to spend additional time within the clinic.
- Sent in a series so you can continue to engage with your patient providing details making them comfortable with their choice to come to your practice. Also ensures the content in emails/texts will be read if they are short and to the point. I.e., Day of scheduling, next day, after first completed appt, after 1st adjustment, etc.
- Reasons why chiropractic is so essential to overall health
- Practice videos are a great way to give your new patient a tour of your office as well as introduce you and your team. You can discuss what to expect when coming in for a visit, who the doctor is (background), what the treatment focus is, who their point of contact is for billing and scheduling etc.
- Patient video testimonials reassure new patients that they made a good choice by scheduling an appointment with you and set their minds at ease.
- Stating things like “We can’t wait to meet you” shows that you care about your new patient and what they may be going through. Making someone feel special and comfortable is not only good for your practice but creates a sense of excitement that they are coming to the right place.
- The benefits of Chiropractic care explain what chiropractic can do for them. Yes, they are coming in because they were in a car accident, were injured at work, or did something that prompted them to reach out. But, they may not know that chiropractic care can also assist with immune function, breathing issues such as asthma, fertility, allergies, lowering blood pressure, etc.
Below, we have put together 5 campaign emails to show you how the feature can benefit you and to get you past the writer's block you may be experiencing :) In our example, we have it going out based on a patient flow of 1st appt = New Patient, 2nd appt = ROF Visit, 3rd appt= Adjustment but, this can be adjusted to fit your flow for new patients. If you are unsure of how to change the filters to represent your flow, contact support, we can help!
- Email one: Welcome to the practice! (includes a link to new patient paperwork)
- Email Two: We can’t wait to meet you/ What to expect
- Email Three: It was so nice to meet you
- Email Four: After your first adjustment
- Email Five: Education
1st Email Campaign Name: NP Campaign/Welcome!
Filters: Master/Send only once/Email/NP Status
Subject: Welcome to our practice!
Dear {PatientFirstName},
Welcome to our practice!! We are honored that you have decided to entrust us with your Spinal health. Here at (Clinic Name), we believe that we have one of the greatest chiropractic families in the world and are glad you have decided to join us!
In preparation for your upcoming appointment, please click HERE to access our New Patient paperwork. This will allow you to access, fill out, and send us (or bring) your New Patient paperwork, so you can spend your valuable time on what truly matters. Starting the journey to feeling like the best version of yourself!
Optional number 1: Additionally, we encourage you to look at this short video, to get to know our clinic better.
Option number 2: Did you know that Chiropractic care aids in a multitude of things other than neck and back pain? Chiropractic care can assist with immune function, breathing issues such as asthma, fertility issues, allergies, lowering blood pressure, etc.
If you have any additional concerns you may want to address with me, please make sure to jot them down. Even if you are unsure if chiropractic can help, I would love to discuss them with you!
If you have any questions or we can help you in any way, please call (clinic number) and ask for (point of contact)
Thank you, again, for choosing our chiropractic clinic. We look forward to showing you what our clinic has to offer.
Dr. Provider Name
Clinic Name:
Clinic Address:
Text: (444) 444-4444
Call: (555) 555-5555
2nd Email Campaign Name: (Immediately after/Next Day): We can’t wait to meet you!
Filters: Subsequent campaign/Send only once/1 day after Master/Email/NP Status
Subject: We can’t wait to meet you!
Hi {PatientFirstName},
While you are filling out your paperwork, I wanted to take a moment to provide some details about what you can expect during your New Patient appointment.
First, we ask that you show up 15 min early. This ensures we have all necessary information filled out and provided to the clinic.
Second, please plan on being at the office for an hour. During that time, we will go through the reasons that brought you to the office and do a thorough examination and explain how chiropractic can help you.
Lastly, we will give you a tour of our office, so you can start feeling like part of the family right away!
We look forward to meeting you!
Dr. Provider Name
Clinic Name:
Clinic Address:
Text: (444) 444-4444
Call: (555) 555-5555
3rd Email Campaign Name: It was so nice to meet you! (Waiting on ROF)
Filters: Subsequent campaign/Send only once/Email/NP Status/1 Completed Appt
Subject: It was so nice to meet you!
Dr. {PatientFirstName},
I just wanted to take this time to say, again, how great it was to meet you!
I know your first visit was information overload and you may not remember everything that was talked about, so while Dr. Provider’s name is reviewing the findings of your examination and preparing for your next visit, I would like to take this time to give you an insight on what’s next.
At your next appointment, we will discuss the findings of your exam, recommended care, financials, and any questions you have or may have come up since your last visit with us.
We understand that discussing the financial aspect may be scary, but don’t you worry, we work with several insurance companies and have a variety of plan options designed to assist our patients in getting the desired care they seek.
We look forward to seeing you again,
Dr. Provider Name
Clinic Name:
Clinic Address:
Text: (444) 444-4444
Call: (555) 555-5555
4th Email Campaign Name: After 1st Adjustment
Filters: Subsequent campaign/Send only once/Email/Active Status/3rd Completed Appointment
Subject: How are you feeling?
Dr. {PatientFirstName},
Hopefully, you are feeling better after your first adjustment. You might not be and that's okay too!
You might be feeling sore, achy, have a headache, discomfort, feeling discouraged, or might even be rethinking this whole Chiropractic thing altogether. We get it!! The first adjustment can sometimes feel like you were in a boxing ring without any padding. But just know, that’s completely normal and I want to explain why.
When you get an adjustment, your vertebrae are being moved slightly. Your muscles must adapt to the movement of the bone, so they may end up lengthening or shortening slightly, which can lead to soreness. The soreness is related to the movement of the bones and not to the pressure utilized by the chiropractor. Additionally, during chiropractic adjustments and treatments, toxins are broken up and released, and the body rids itself of these toxins with a healthy immune response which can cause headaches, etc.
But rest assured, you won’t feel like this for long. The best thing to do during this time is to drink plenty of WATER, be active, limit sugary foods, have an Epsom salt bath, and get plenty of rest!
Remember, healing is a process and it’s going to take you a little while to get back to your normal self. Don’t worry we've got you!
If you have any questions or concerns, let us know! Remember, we are here for you!
Dr. Providers Name
Clinic Name:
Clinic Address:
Text: (444) 444-4444
Call: (555) 555-5555
5th Email Campaign Name: Educational
Filters: Subsequent campaign/Send only once/Email/Active Status/4th Completed Appointment
Subject: Did you know?
Hello {PatientFirstName}!
Now that you are on this amazing journey to optimize your health and wellbeing, we wanted to share some additional information that will provide tools for achieving so much more!
Did you know that you should be stretching each and every day!? Most people know that they need to stretch before and after a workout but, stretching should be a part of your daily routine to improve your flexibility, mobility, and to maintain good overall health. Here are some great stretches you can do in the comfort of your own home and don't take long to do.
Neck Stretches:
- Chin to chest: Lower your chin forward. Reach back and put your hands on the back of your head. Gently apply and hold soft forward pressure for 10 to 15 seconds to feel a relaxing stretch of the muscles in your rear neck. Do not exert force. This is meant to be a gentle stretch.
- Arch Back: Lean your head backward to the point that you feel comfortable. This is a free stretch and does not require pressure. Hold in the rear position for a 10 to 15 second stretch of your frontal neck muscles.
- Side to side: Rotate your head to the left without pressure. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds, and then repeat the process to the right.
- Lean: Stretch your head toward your shoulder laterally while keeping the shoulder steady and straight. You’re trying to stretch the muscles in your neck, so moving the shoulder is counter-productive. Do this for both sides of the neck and hold in a stretched position for 10 to 15 seconds each.
Back Stretches:
- Side Stretch: Stand up straight with your arms at your sides and your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your trunk sideways to the left while sliding your left hand down your thigh and reaching your right arm over your head. Hold for a count of 10. Return to the starting position. Now bend your trunk sideways to the right while sliding your right hand down your thigh and reaching your left arm over your head. Hold for a count of 10. Repeat 9 more times.
- Toe Touch: Sit with your legs straight and spread apart as far as comfortably possible. Slowly reach toward one foot with both hands until you feel a gentle stretch along the back of your leg and in your lower back. Hold the stretch at a point of mild discomfort for 30 seconds.
- Knee to chest: While lying on your back, hold your knee and gently pull it up towards your chest. To get more out of this stretch, try pulling your knee across the body will stretch a different set of fibers. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times with each leg.
- Spinal Twist: While laying on your back, start with your knees bent, your feet and shoulders flat on the floor. Keep your knees together and shoulders flat on the floor, slowly rotate your hips to one side. You can take your knees all the way to the floor but, we suggest you stop when it becomes uncomfortable. Repeat steps for the other side.
Make sure you do not injure yourself. These stretches are designed to help. If you do not feel comfortable with the stretches I have added here, or they cause you discomfort, contact the office and we will put something together that is right for you!!!
We are so thankful you chose us to be on this journey with you!!
Dr. Providers Name
Clinic Name:
Clinic Address:
Text: (444) 444-4444
Call: (555) 555-5555
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