Due to many amazing docs wanting to share their Macro templates with other clinics, we put together this article so, there would be a step by step in sharing a template and how to import that template once received.
You can share your macros two ways:
- Via Facebook for all users to download and take a look.
- Via Email so a specific doc can send a template to a clinic of their choice.
Step 1: Exporting your Template to Share
To Export a MACRO template in CoAction to your computer, follow these steps:
- Log in with User that has Macro Template and open any completed or checked in patient appointment to the Provider’s Screen (where you type your Soap Notes)
- In the SOAP NOTES Screen click on the GREEN CIRCLE in the bottom left of the Macro screen
- Then select "Export Template from File" Select the location on your computer where you will SAVE the Macro file and give the file a name and select Open.
- Select where you would like to save your template, name the file and click Save
Step 2: Providing the File
For Everyone in the CoAction Group
- Log into FB and Go to the CoAction Elite FB Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/coactionelite/)
- Go the Files section on the Top tool bar
- Select Upload File to the Right
- Name File (We suggest saying who its coming from and what study or type of notes the macros are best for)
- Choose File location and file to upload
- Select Save
For an Individual Doc
You will email the provider with the attachment of the macro template you exported in step 1.
Step 3: Importing a Macro Template that was Shared
Before importing a shared template, make sure you follow the steps in step one to export your macro template first in case you would like to go back to what you had.
From CoAction FB Group:
- Log into FB and Go to the CoAction Elite FB Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/coactionelite/)
- Go the Files section on the Top tool bar
Find the Macro you would live to view. All Macros are listed as a Xml file.
select the 3 dots to the right and select download
From an email received:
Download the attachment to your pc and follow the steps below
To Import a shared MACRO template in CoAction follow these steps:
- The Macro File you want to import must be on your desktop or a file on your computer
- Open any completed or checked in patient appointment to the Provider’s Screen (where you type your Soap Notes)
- In the SOAP NOTES Screen click on the GREEN CIRCLE in the bottom left of the Macro screen
- Then select "Import Template from File" Select the template from its saved location on your desktop and select Open.
- Find the Macro template file you want to import (either on your desktop or wherever you saved it on your computer)
- Highlight the Macro File, Click Open
- The Macro File will automatically replace the one that is on your screen
That's It !
A Cautionary Note: If you are not sure you are going to like the template you are importing, please make sure you follow the steps in Step 1 to export your own template as the new template WILL override your current template and all changes will be lost.
-Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact CoAction Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side) within your software, click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.
***This has the fastest response time***
Phone/Text: 909-378-9514
Email: support@coactionsoft.com
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm CST
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