Please follow the steps below to change a providers working hours:
*To add, edit or delete a schedule exception see below*
Step 1) In the CoAction Main Menu > Go to Administration > click on Providers
Step 2) Select your Provider>Click on Edit on the bottom of the Provider screen
Step 3) Select Schedule Tab > Select Weekly Schedule to Change Providers Work schedule.
(This is the schedule that will appear in the Appointment Book if you checked "Show Working Hours Only" in the Appointment Book>Edit>User Settings.)
Step 4) To make a change, Click on the box next to the DAY you want to change hours, click EDIT. You can select multiple days to make the same changes (Monday, Tuesday, etc) The hours you add in the Edit Schedule screen will apply to ALL the days you select.
Step 5) Once in the Edit Schedule screen - Add/Change the Start time on bottom left and Stop time bottom center > click on ADD and click Save:
Add Schedule Exception
You can utilize the Exception Schedule Tab to make temporary changes to the Providers Weekly Schedule ie. add vacation times, out of office, in office meetings, etc. There are two ways to complete this.
Option 1: Admin>Providers>Select Provider>Edit>Schedule Tab> Exception Schedule tab and fill in your Details>Select Add when Completed:
- Reason for Exception
- On/Off - On Schedule>In the Clinic or Off Schedule>Out of the Office
- Start Date
- End Date
- Allow Override Box- If this box IS checked, a Clinic user HAS the ability to Schedule during this exception. If this box IS NOT checked, a Clinic user can NOT schedule during this exception.
ALWAYS Save your Changes
Option 2: Simplest option, but does not allow input of details for Option 1. Select Appointments in Main Toolbar>Appointment Book>Select time frame for Exception>Right Click "Create Exception":
Enter in your Exception Reason>Save:
You will now see a confirmation message appear after Save button is selected "Added new exception" & Exception added to Selected timeframe on Appointment Book:
Edit Schedule Exception
A Schedule Exception can be moved to a different day/time by opening up your Appointment Book Calendar. Drag over the days necessary for the current Old Exception(from), to the appropriate date this Exception should be moved to. You will see your Appointment book similar to this(This example shows 5 days):
Then simply Drag>Drop the Schedule Exception into it's new day/time. Once completed, you will see a confirmation message at the top displaying "Saved provider exception":
NOTE: Utilizing Option 1 or Option 2 to Add your schedule exception should allow you to move your Schedule Exception to a new day/time. You should also see Admin>Providers mirror the changes you have made.
All Set!
Delete Schedule Exception
Delete a previously entered Exception: Administration>Providers>Select Provider>Edit>Schedule Tab>Exception Schedule>Select Red X in Delete Column>Save:
NOTE: There is not an easier way to delete a previously entered Schedule Exception as we cannot allow this action to be easily accidentally deleted
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact
Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side) within your software, click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.
***This has the fastest response time***
Call or Text: 909-378-9514
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm CST
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