Windows Tablet, iPad, or Android?
Please note: Your software can only be installed on Full Windows-based tablets.
Ipad and Android can remotely access CoAction using Apps.
There are now several options available to utilize CoAction on a handheld tablet. Windows tablets are the best alternative because they are actually running the software on the tablets, whereas the iPad and Android tablets must be paired with a PC. These recommendations are based on other users utilizing this hardware successfully. Please be advised that we do not support the tablets themselves, but are able to assist in your utilization of the software on the tablet.
Windows Base Minimum Specs
- Operating System: Windows 10 or higher
- Internal Memory: 16 Gb or higher
- Resolution: 1280x800 or higher
- Processor Speed: 1.2 GHz or higher
- Screen Size: 10 inches or higher
- Any Windows tablet you choose should meet the above minimum requirements
- Windows Surface Pro 7 or above is recommended as lower versions have already been retired from Microsoft support. Please keep in mind Surface Pro 7 is set to retire on February 28, 2024.
iPad or Android Tablet Remote Access ONLY
The iPad or Android Tablets are preferred by some clinics other tablets due to their ease of use and overall speed. If you are going to buy any tablet, please make sure it has a minimum of a 10" screen size. You are 'Pairing' a PC to your iPad or Android Tablet so please think of your iPad or Android Tablet as a remote controller for your PC which will be light, easy to maneuver and have a battery to last 10 hours. There are 2 different ways of remote accessing to your software with either an iPad or Android Tablet: inside your clinic or outside your clinic.
Inside the clinic you can use the application called "Splashtop"(approx. $4.99). It has great speed and screen resolution to match the resolution of an iPad or Android Tablet. There is also Teamviewer (remote desktop) you can use, other than Splashtop, just make sure it runs within your internal Wi-Fi network.
If you are trying to access CoAction from your iPad or Android Tablet when you are not in the clinic, you can check online for the best option for you. One option is Teamviewer (for personal use) - it is free so it would be a good one to try first. Another option is Splashtop Remote Desktop for Ipad or Android. You will need the Anywhere access pack (check cost online). "Logmein Ignition" (the cost is very high so beware). You will need internet access outside of your clinic to use these apps. An iPad or Android Tablet will have its own 3G/4G/5G connectivity through your cell phone carrier. You also have an option to create a "Wi-Fi Hotspot" with your iPhone or Android based smart phone. (To learn how this is done contact your phone company or search on YouTube). Please check which app is best for you and your needs.
If you practice "Pinch & Zoom then Navigate" function on iPad or Android Tablet you should be able to quickly move through CoAction in no time!
5 Steps to Setting Up Access for iPad or Android
1. Create a separate user in your software for iPad or Android Tablet access since you will change the appearance of your MACRO screen to best fit on the remote device and you don't want to keep changing it back and forth. In fact, it is recommended that you have only 2 main panels (one large and one small on either left or right edge). Due to the smaller screen size, the iPad or Android Tablet is much more effective with simplifying the 'visit' window.
2. Set the screen resolution on the pairing PC to either 1280x1024 or 1024x768.
3. Download the Splashtop App, Teamviewer or Logmein Ignition to your iPad or Android Tablet
4. Download the Splastop application, Teamviewer or Logmein Ignition to your Pairing PC from their respective websites.
5. Change the iPad/Android Tablet and PC sleep mode. If it is set to go to sleep after inactivity you may find yourself continuously having to log back in. You should be safe setting it to go to sleep mode after about 2 hours of inactivity.
6. Under "Advance Settings" in Splashtop on your PC you can memorize the password so you don't have to re-enter the password every time you use the iPad or Android Tablet.
7. It is highly recommended that you have a passcode on your iPad or Android Tablet for security reasons.
-Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact
Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side) within Katana, click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.***This has the fastest response time***
Phone: 909-378-9514
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