If you realize a Void or Refund is necessary, please consider which option should be utilized. Steps for each option are listed below.
Refunds: should take place after the daily batch has closed or 24hrs after payment was taken incorrectly.
Voids: should take place before the daily batch has closed or within the same workday.
Example: If a double payment is taken Tues afternoon, but is discovered on Wednesday and one payment needs to go back to the patient, you MUST Refund as the batch for Tues has already closed.
To process a Refund:
Refunds can take anywhere from 24-72 hrs for the patient to see the credit.
Click on a past payment made and ran through Fortis then select Refund.
Fortis will refund the full amount of the payment. There is not a way to designate how much of the payment should be refunded with Fortis.
If you are doing a partial refund:
For your software to reflect correctly, you would need to refund the full payment amount and recharge the correct payment amount.
Partial refunds can be done in Fortis Virtual Terminal but, to make your software reflect the correct refund amount, you will need to press the refund button without selecting a past payment, enter the refund amount and choose Cash or Check then enter a note indicating that the partial refund was done by CC in Fortis Terminal.
When using Fortis as your integrated Merchant, Cash and Check refunds can be done for any denomination without selecting a past payment made by the patient as long as there is a cash payment somewhere within the patient's payment history by simply hitting the Refund button and following the steps and choosing cash or check as the refund type.
*If you happen to see an error and are unable to process the refund, this may mean that you do not have any cash/check payments made within the patient's payment history. To correct, you will need to post a .01 cash payment (as you can refund cash to check if you choose) to the account and then walk through the refund process making sure to include the .01 payment in your refund amount.
To Void a Payment:
Voids can only happen within the same workday of a mistakenly taken payment. If the mistake is not caught same day, you will need to process a refund as any previous workday's batch has already closed.
Select the past payment taken through Fortis to highlight and select Void.
**If you get an "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object." Error while performing a Void, this means the payment has batched and a Refund must be issued.
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side) within your software, click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.
***This has the fastest response time***
Phone: 909-378-9514
Email: support@coactionsoft.com
Business Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 6pm CST
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