Interested in Moving to Fortis as your Integrated Merchant?
Here is the information necessary to get you going with Fortis!
New Fortis Signup
To check out Fortis, visit their website:
To get started please contact:
Fortis Chiro Sales Team
855-465-9999, Opt. 4, then Opt. 1
Fortis prefers to be contacted directly for any inquiries on costs/fees, as they offer different pricing programs and competitive rates.
"FortisPay's knowledgeable sales team can help secure the best rates for you and offers different pricing programs to best suit your practice. For a free rates comparison, send a recent merchant statement to the correct email address above.
Card Swipers
All payments are securely processed through their virtual terminal, a USB card swiper from Amazon is all you need! The cost is roughly $20.00 and is connected straight to the PC.
With Fortis, Each PC in the office can process payments and have a Card Swiper Attached.
The 2 listed swipers below are capable with the Fortis gateway:
USB Swipers (available on Amazon):
Option 1 - POSMATE USB Mini Credit Card Reader
Option 2 - MSR90 USB Swipe Magnetic Credit Card Reader
*Note: We are not integrated with any Fortis Networked Terminals*
How fast payments are batched?
Funds are in their account the next business day for any transactions that are run before 9:30 PM Eastern time
- No Contract Fees
- No Sign-up fee
- No Cancellation fees
- Intuitively designed to make taking payments in your office seamless, secure, and simple with access to quick online training videos.
- User-friendly cloud-based software reduces the time invested in training your team and virtually eliminates the ability to make mistakes.
Integrated with CoAction providing you with many innovative features and the ability to collect and auto-post ALL payments; and view reports from any computer, laptop or mobile device! - Competitive Rates, No Hidden Fees!
- 100% Secure and Compliant!
Optimize time and freedom for you and your staff to focus on caring for your patients. - Increase collections and automate processes with the best credit card processing solution.
- Stop chasing payments and reduce declines!
- No-risk trial. Keep your existing processor while you test-drive Fortis!
- Personalized, concierge-level White Glove Customer Service - providing LIVE expert support representatives to help you every step of the way.
- All you need to get started is a $17 USB swiper which can be purchased from Amazon! For additional equipment options, just ask!
Once you're an established Fortis client, please contact support to schedule a time to turn on your Fortis Services.
Support will need the following information provided to you by Fortis:
- Location ID:
- User ID:
- User API Key:
Before your scheduled date, you will need to make sure all payments previously ran with your outside merchant are posted to your Software. Once the integration is turned on, all payments made by Credit Card will run through Fortis.
For Current Fortis Client's Only Coming from another Software
We will need to hop onto your computer and grab the following Excel Report: Patient ID’s.
Note: If you are able to follow these steps and provide this Excel Report, Great!
Send it to:
Once this report is received by Fortis and they start the conversion process, you will no longer be able to take payments that are directly applied to patients within your old database. This should be done, right before you go live.
In your database:
Patient Rolodex>Far Left Icon(a piece of paper)>
Select Internal ID and Select>Right click and scroll to find the Internal ID header
Right-click the column header and select “Export to Excel”
Do not Select Export to CSV at the bottom right as it will not include the Internal ID needed by Fortis.
Once Saved, send the .xlsx file to Support so we can forward it to Fortis. This will allow patients within your database to be linked to their Credit Cards used as a past payment method.
Once Fortis has received this Excel File, they will convert all data and provide confirmation to us along with the info required to perform the setup. This data includes:
- Location ID:
- User ID:
- User API Key:
(this is normally a 2-3 day turnaround but, due to the Covid crisis taking place, the process can be delayed a little longer.)
Once we have this information, you will receive an email from us to get scheduled which will enable us to enter in the provided information and turn Fortis On!
Fortis Support Help
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process, please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side), click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen. Hours of operation are M-F 8am-6pm CST.
***This has the fastest response time***
Phone: 909-378-9514
Please leave a detailed message if you get our voicemail
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