To Add:
Go To Patients within Database Toolbar
Select New Prospect/Patient
Enter All necessary info and hit SAVE. Areas broken down below in Edit section.
To Edit:
Double click Patient or Highlight Patient in the list and hit Open
Select Edit
Entering Patient Info:
Add in All Necessary or missing Info
- Nickname
- Spouse
- Clinic
- Address
- H/W/C Numbers
- Referral Source
- Sex
- Date of Birth
- Occupation
- Marital Status
- New Patient Date
- Status - Your software monitors patient status behind the scenes. The system will do a comb through every few hours to make sure the patient properly changes to the correct status. This action is for marketing purposes to ensure the correct Leads/Patients are sent the correct campaigns. Every newly added patient will have a Lead Status unless otherwise changed. When manually changing a patients status, make sure to select the box that states "Do not have system update status automatically". For a full explanation of how your software tracks patient status for Marketing and how to override the status, click HERE.
- Account Number - The account number area is not auto populated by the software. This area allows you to indicate an existing account number the patient may have in your clinic or allow you to enter the account number from a previous software if you would like it to remain the same.
- Source - Allows you to select a Referral Source for the patient. If an existing patient has referred another patient to the clinic, that can be indicated as well, by pressing the "Select" Button and choosing the correct patient from the Rolodex. You have two reports available when utilizing this section Referral Source Report and The Referral Patient Report.
- Assigned Provider - An assigned provider is the provider for which you would like to link the patient to for financial reporting, regardless of who actually sees the patient. This will also give you the option to only show those patients who are assigned to a specific provider in the Rolodex. For example, I can set Dr. A’s privileges so that he is only able to see the patients in which he/she is listed as the Assigned provider.
- Messaging - This area allows you to opt your patients out of Campaigns. To opt a patient out of campaigns, select the box
If your patient does not have the box selected, you will see
Please Note: If you are on the CoAction Basic Platform, your messaging area will be a place for you to tie a patient's cellphone number to their carrier. This area is not displayed for clients on CoAction+Communicate or CoAction+Marketing
- Responsible Party: The Responsible party is accountable for settling the balance for Patient Care. It can be the Patient themself, A child with Divorced Parents, A college student away from home, an elderly patient, guardian, etc.
- Emergency Contact: The Person contacted in the even an emergency happens while Patient is within your Care in the clinic.
- Primary Care Physician: Main healthcare point of contact for this patient
Adding Patient Photo:
To add a patient photo, select photo tab and click on No Picture Available
Find and Select the patients photo saved on your PC and Select Open
Once the image displays, select Save
This is how the photo will be displayed in the patients file.
If a photo needs to be replaced, you would simply click on the photo and select a new one. Once a photo has been uploaded, they cannot be removed. Another photo will have to take its place.
You can add Tags to a Patient's file. Select the Patient info tab, click on Tags area, Enter the tag name and select Plus sign to lock in.
You can enter multiple at a time by separating with a ; Ie: tag1;tag2;tag3
This is on the Patients main tab before you select Edit
There will be default tags that will be automatically show after the update:
- Gender
- Occupation
- Zip-code
- City
- State Abbreviation
- Home Phone area code
- Marital Status
- Referral Source
- Major Complaint Or Condition
This to eliminate needing to use separate drop-downs when creating campaigns. You can use the tags for all of these things.
1. If you would like to send an individual email to a patient, you can add their name in as a tag and then create an email only sending it out to that patient. If you do not want your tag report to show patient names, delete the tag after the email has been sent.
2. If you would like to remove a tag, just select the minus sign to the left of each tag
3. Click Here for More info on Utilizing Tags
- Tag-Alerts: Tags now blush in red when removed, letting clinics instantly spot which tags were previously in a patient’s file
Add Family Member
To save some data entry time, you can select the "Add Family Member" Button on a patients file.
When this button is selected it will pre populate the Clinic selected and the Address. All additional information will need to be entered.
To Inactivate a Patient:
Double click the patients name within the Rolodex, Select Edit and Change status from Active to Inactivated or Terminated.
Once selected check the box underneath that states "Do not have system update status automatically"
Click Save
***Please note*** After adding information in this section you will then want to create a case for this patient in their Case tab. The system will not allow for any info to be added in other areas in the patient file (images, files, documents, care plans or appts) until a case created.
For information on Creating a Patient Case, please CLICK HERE
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact
Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side) within your software, click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.
***This has the fastest response time***
Business hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm CST
Phone or Text: 909-378-9514
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