Understanding the software Patient Flow
The software monitors patient status behind the scenes. The system will do a comb-through every few hours to make sure the patient properly changes to the correct status.
This action was created for CoAction clients to allow a patient to follow a flow without having to remember to change their patient's personal status.
This is also very helpful for marketing and communicate clients, for the purpose of creating campaign emails and texts, ensuring the correct Leads, New Patients, etc. are identified and sent the correct campaigns.
In this article, we will explain the different status triggers and how to override the status if you do not want a Lead/Patient to follow the internal flow.
Behind The Scenes Patient flow:
- Lead- Any person being added to your software DB but, has not been seen in the office for any reason. (Leads can be manually entered into the database or come from your external funnels created.)
- New Patient- Any Lead that has Scheduled ONE appointment in the clinic.
- Active- Any New Patient that Completed their First appointment and has had TWO additional completed appointments. This means a patient has to have at least THREE completed appointments to be considered active.
- Inactive- By default is a patient that has not been seen in the office in at least 365 days. You can change the time frame in Admin>Global Settings if you would like the inactive timeframe period to be different than the default 365 days.
Additional Status Options and Status Override for individual patients
There are some additional Status options such as Deceased, Consult, Dormant, or Terminated that are available to use within the Patient's file but, are not being triggered by the software and are not picked up by some reports.
- Deceased- This status is used when a patient is "No longer Living" Please keep in mind: HIPAA applies not only throughout a patient's life, but also protects an individual's PHI and right to privacy for up to 50 years after the individual's death. Any medical records containing the PHI of individuals who have been deceased for more than 50 years fall outside of the Rule's protections.
- Consult-A consultation status is applied if they are seeking advice or a professional opinion, followed by a report of findings to the referring physician. This may be different than a New Patient status as the patient is not sure the advice or treatment suggested is right for them.
- Dormant- This is a status that is typically used after a long period of being Inactive. Inactive patients are tracked to reactivate them. If a patient goes longer than your typical threshold, you can change them to dormant so they are not tracked on your inactive patient reports.
To use one of the additional status options or override the patient status flow, you must:
- Go to the patient's file
- Select Edit within the Patient info tab
- Select the proper status from the drop-down
- Check box that states "Do Not Have System Update Status Automatically"
Please keep in mind: Once that box is checked, the software will NO LONGER change the patients' status for that patient. It will be up to the clinic to change that patient's status if the situation changes.
If you do not want the system to change patient flow behind the scenes, for ANY patient, you can turn this off globally and manually change a patient's status by going to Admin>Global Settings.
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side) within, click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.***This has the fastest response time***
Phone: 909-378-9514
Email: support@coactionsoft.com
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