Communications Tab
Communications Tab within a Patient file is a new feature for our clients on the CoAction Communicate and Marketing platforms. If you are not currently on one of those platforms but, would like to learn more, please reach out to support.
The communications Tab within the patient file shows a log of All communications sent from you, through the system, via Text or Email. This includes appointment Reminders, campaigns, etc. It will also log Text Replies from the patient.
Please keep in mind that the communication tab WILL NOT show email responses from the patient as we are not your Email Server and do not have access to that data.
You can Send Direct Text or Email messages to the patient from this area as well as attach files to an email.
Navigating the Tab
The system will naturally default to show Text and Email Communications, you can select the dropdown arrow if you would like to filter to show just texts or just emails.
You will select the drop-down at the top right of the screen
The area will default to having both Text and Email checked. If you do not want to see both, remove the check next to the area you would like to remove.
Each Email will display a dropdown option as well
If you open the dropdown, you will have access to the content of the email
If an attachment was included within an email sent, you will see a paperclip icon displayed at the top.
Please keep in mind that you will not have access to the attachment sent within this area. This is just an indication that a file was attached.
If you will need to access this attachment or would like to keep a copy for clinic records, you will need to upload the attachment to the patients' file tab and place a note saying something to the effect of
"Super Receipt attached to the email sent on XX/XX/XXXX as displayed in the example below.
This is how it will display within the patients' file tab to ensure the clinic can locate the proper attachment if needed.
Sending a Message
Select the Dropdown within the Send Communication box at the bottom of the screen
When the window pops up, it will allow you to select the type of message you are needing to send. Text or Email. Choose the correct tab, fill out your message and select Send at the bottom right when finished.
When typing, if you would like to move to the next line, simply hit Enter to move down.
Attaching a file to an Email
You can only attach files to an email message
To create an email containing an attachment, you will need to save the file attachment to your pc.
Second Go to the patients' file, communications tab
Go down to the bottom of the page, and select the arrow to the right of "Send Communication"
Once the screen pops up:
Select Email Tab
Enter your Email Subject
Enter your content in the email body
Select "Add Attachment"
Select the appropriate file from your PC and hit OPEN to attach
Select Send Sparkpost
**NOTE: If the Send Text Button or Send Email Button is greyed out or unable to select, Please make sure there is a Cell # and/or Email address within Patient File
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side) within the software , click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.
***This has the fastest response time***
Phone or Text: 909-378-9514
Business Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 6pm CST
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