Every database is provided with a library of ICD codes.
ICD 10s are currently displayed but there are ICD9s in the Library as well.
Several ICD Codes can be stacked in one button.
*HOWEVER if you have Several ICD Codes stacked in one button, you will still have to select all or some of these in the list*
Under the default user, categories and buttons have been created. You are more then welcome to utilize what has been provided, edit what has been provided, or make your very own set of ICD buttons.
The ICD codes that are provided should be reviewed to determine if you would like to start there as it's designed to save a lot of time in the set-up process.
Buttons are placed in the button location of your choosing. They can not be sorted in numerical or alphabetical order once created and they cannot be moved to a different page of buttons.
They can only be moved to an open button on the same page.
It is recommended that a clinic make the changes to the button structure under the default username or that the buttons be copied to that default user after your button setup is completed.
This ensures that when the support team must access your system using that default user, they will be seeing the most up to date button structure.
To Add a New ICD Button
Under Admin
ICD Codes
- Step 1: you will select the Category you need to add a button under
- Step 2: you will enter the Diagnosis Code you would like to appear on a button in the Code field at the bottom
- Step 3: If an ICD code you need to enter does not appear in the list, then you will have to add it to the list by clicking “Add ICD” at the bottom right of the screen. If the ICD Code is already on the list, please process to step 4.
You will enter the Code number, Description, if its and ICD 9 or 10 and hit save.
If you are unsure of the ICD 10 Equivalent, you can select the blue hyperlink “ICD9 to ICD10 Conversion” to find out what the code is converted to.
Step 4: Drag and drop that code onto an open button.
Once you have dragged and dropped the code onto a button, you have the chance to modify the text on the button in the upper box.
This does not change the actual ICD code description, only the button view.
If you would like several ICD codes housed in one button, you can select “Click to add another ICD code”.
Once you are happy with the label/text on the button click “Save”.
ICD Code Categories
You can move categories around to make it easier to locate high demand services in the clinic by selecting the category you would like to move and use arrows on left to change location.
You can ADD a New Category by selecting the ADD Category button
Type in the name your category will display as in the list and select Save.
You can Edit the Name of a Category by selecting on the category you would like to Edit
Change the name and Save
Lastly, you can delete a category by selecting the category you would like to remove and hit Delete Category.
The system will want to make sure you would like to delete that category.
Press OK to delete
Please keep in mind, once a category is deleted, it is gone and any buttons that were created under that category will no longer be there as well.
To Delete an ICD Code Button
Simply Right Click a CPT code button you no longer want in the button structure and select DELETE
After all of your ICD code buttons have been created and no more changes need to be made, you will copy the buttons created to all users that will need to apply diagnosis codes to patient appointments.
To Copy Your ICD Button Structure
- Step 1: Select the Copy Button Structure button at the top of the screen
Step 2: Select the user that all the changes were made under (typically it is the current user) on the LEFT and then select the user you would like to copy the buttons over to, on the RIGHT and click “Save”.
Repeat Steps 1 and 2 to copy these ICD buttons to all desired users.
You are all set!
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side) within the software, click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.
***This has the fastest response time***
Phone/Text: 909-378-9514
Email: support@coactionsoft.com
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm CST
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