How to Post a Patient Payment
In the software, there are two ways you can post a patient payment.
Option 1) is within the patient's file under the Ledger > Payments tab
You will select the amount to post, how the patient is making the payment and simply post the payment.
When performing a cc payment and not using an integrated merchant, you will indicate the cc type and last four of cc number for your records. All other information can be skipped.
You also have the ability to post payment and print a super receipt or post the payment and print a patient receipt of payment
Option 2) is within the patient's appointment
When posting a payment within the patients appointment NEVER hit Cancel Check out or your payments will be removed.
***Please note that when taking a patient payment, money will go towards their oldest outstanding charges first. This is because the system tries to keep patient balances current and ensures that money to be collected is not missed.***
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