The OTC are of your software Toolbar allows you to apply charges to a New or Existing Patient.
Anyone you need to add a charge to, MUST be a patient and have a case created.
Allows you to a add charges to a Patient’s ledger, where an appointment is NOT required (distinguished in Admin > Price List, Appointment required column not checked), Insurance is not billed for these charges.
Let’s walk through the Steps:
New Patient Steps
(Only if the patient is not in your Rolodex yet)
Anyone you would like to apply charges to, MUST be entered in and have a case created.
Select the “Create a New Patient for this Purchase” and select Next.
Add in ALL Necessary Info:
Patient name, Numbers, Email, Source (how they referred), DOB, Assigned Provider, Clinic, Case Description, Case Type, Price List and Designated Provider.
Once Finished Select Save
Existing Patient Steps
Select “Link this purchase to an Existing Patient”, press Select Button, Search Patients Name, Select Patient in Rolodex and Hit Open.
Make sure the Correct Case is selected in the drop-down and Select Next.
Applying “Over the Counter Charges”
This is selected for charges you would like to apply to the patient’s ledger where an appointment is not required. Things like supplements, cervical pillows, pain relieving gel etc.
Select Option, Next
Make sure Correct Date, Case and Provider charges should be linked to is selected at the top.
If a provider is not selected, charges in OTC will fall under Unassigned provider on the financial Reports.
This will be important to be completed, if you are attempting to keep track of supplements a certain Provider has sold. If this is completed AND the supplements were Paid for, you can run the Generated Income Report by Provider to see what they have Sold.
**This is very helpful if you pay providers commission on these sold items**
Apply the CPT codes for purchase made.
Please note, if a patient would like to buy 2 or more of the same item, you will change the units to reflect the amount purchased.
When you change the units, make sure to click on the total charge amount or somewhere on the screen so the unit amount is no longer highlighted.
If you do not follow this step, the unit will revert to one.
Once finished, select Next
If the patient would like to make a payment,
Select Payment button. If not, just select Finished.
The Patient Balance displayed will be for all items purchased plus tax
(if tax is to be applied)
If the patient has a case balance prior to this purchase, that amount will also be reflected here.
*If the patient has a prior balance and you just want to charge the patient the amount for OTC purchases, you can cancel payment screen, hit the back button and add up charge amounts as they will reflect the true amount due for each charge including tax.
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side), click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.
***This has the fastest response time***
Phone: 909-378-9514
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm CST
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