Here is a walk-Through on creating your account and getting started with your first Kfunnel
Getting Started:
- Go To
- Find your template
- Hover over any template available and select View to take a look or Get Started to start customizing
- Enter your Name, Email and Password. Select "I'm not a Robot" and hit Get Started.
This is only done one time. Any other time, you will select Login at the to under "Getting Started"
Enter a Website Title and select Submit
In my example I entered Katana
Start Customizing:
- When you choose a template, you will see all of area displayed with sample information.
- Click on any area and choose Edit and Replace with the data you would like to display
- Click on the Lead Generation area that displays Name, Email and phone and select Edit.
Step 1: Correct Text to say
- Change Name to "First Name"
- Make sure Email says "Email" and change if not displayed that way
- change phone to "Cell Phone"
Step 2: Select the Plus Sign to add a Field
- Select Text Field to add another Name field
- You can add other fields as well but, Katana currently only pulls First Name, Last Name, Cell Number and Email
- Once its added to the list, change the Name to "Last Name"
- Then Select the Pencil Icon to the Right of each selection
- Choose "Required Field" and select "Confirm". This ensures all leads are filling out all necessary areas and you wont have a lead generated with blank fields.
- Select the Wheel at the top of the Form box you are working on
- Change "Form" to the name you would like your Form name to be. When choosing a name, please keep in mind that this is the same name your referral source your Leads will be attached to within katana.
- My Referral Source tied to my leads would be:
- Funnel-Katana Referral Source
- After you are done making all other edits to your Funnel Page, make sure you select "Save Changes"
***If this is your first funnel created, you will need to contact support to make sure your Kfunnels account is tied to your Katana database and upgrade your trial***
To Test additionally created funnels:
When you are looking at you new and fresh funnel, click on the Eye Icon which states "Website Preview"
Enter your First Name, Last Name, Personal email or made up email address not previously used in Katana and your Cell Number and Send
Then wait up to 4 hrs to see if your lead was generated and tied to your funnel within Katana.
All Set!!
If you see this message, don't be alarmed. Contact Katana support to get your account upgraded :)
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