Server and client computer recommendation for optimal performance:
** Please Note: Server computer CANNOT be a MAC, however, if you would like a Client (non-server) device to be a MAC, you can if the Full Version of Parallels and Full Version of Windows 10 or Higher are installed. (Please see below)
***Please Note: Server computer Should NOT be a Laptop
- Processor: Intel Core i7/i& or AMD A9+ with 8~16 GB of RAM.
- Hard Drive: 500GB+ Solid State Drive (SSD) 1TB preferred
- Network Card: 10/100/1000 Ethernet
- Operating System: Windows 11 or Windows Server 2019 and Higher(Windows Server 2022 Preferred, due to longevity reasons).
- Monitor: 20" monitor with a minimum resolution of 1440x900 or better (1680x1050 is ideal) - touch screen is preferred for computers using self check-in.
- Wireless Router: Multi-Port Network Hub or router (if wireless at least 802.11 G/A/N or higher with WPA-2 or higher encryption) to connect all PC's.
- Internet Connection: High speed such as cable, DSL or fractional T1 with at least 5MB download & upload speed. Internet Network must be Private.
- Firewall: Microsoft Windows defender. Choosing another firewall can dramatically affect the performance of your Server computer.
- Must have 4.7.2 .net Framework or higher installed - Please click HERE for information on how to check this.
- Printer: 2016 Models or newer
VERY IMPORTANT: Support recommends that a Monitor, Keyboard, and Mouse be connected to the server at ALL times in case support needs access for any reason. We do not recommend that the server be placed in a closet or anywhere that updates etc. cannot be monitored. Server PC's have to be maintained frequently.
For iMac's and MacBook's as CLIENT PC'S:
- It will need to have the Full Version of Parallels installed:
- After installing Parallels, it will need to have a Full Version of Windows 10 installed.
***Trial versions of Parallels and Windows 10 will not allow the system to run as it only has limited capabilities.***
Please Note:
When purchasing a New Server computer, please ensure it is NOT a domain controller. Installing the necessary SQL Server your EMR requires, on a domain controller, goes against Microsoft recommendations and best practices.
A domain controller (DC) is a server that responds to security authentication requests within a Windows Server domain. It is a server on a Microsoft Windows or Windows NT network that is responsible for allowing host access to Windows domain resources. A domain controller is the centerpiece of the Windows Active Directory service. It authenticates users, stores user account information, and enforces security policies for a Windows domain.
If your office decides to purchase a Domain Controller as a server, it is the clinics responsibility to install the necessary SQL Server Express prior to the server transfer. Please contact support for the specific SQL Express configuration that is needed to be installed at that time.
Here are some links to computers that will work as a Server computer. You can pick other manufactures or stores that with similar specs. These are just suggestions :)
- Support Information -
If you have any questions or need assistance with this process please contact Support by:
Live chat: Click the 'Support Portal' button in your main toolbar (on left-hand side) within the system, click the green 'Support' box in bottom right of screen.***This has the fastest response time***
Phone: 909-378-9514
Business hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-6:00pm CST
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